Chapter 14: Confession.

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Pewdie's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon, I say up and wiped the drool off of my face. I looked into the mirror and I looked like shit, I brushed my hair to one side with my hand and rubbed my eyes.

I opened the door and walked toward the living room where the kitchen was located. I looked at Cry who seemed to be focused on the sizzling pan of bacon,  I slowly walked up behind Cry and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I heard a little 'hmp' come out of his mouth, "Good morning sleeping beauty." he said monotonly sarcastic. "Good morning." I yawed taking a good whiff of the bacon, "Breakfast should be ready in five minutes, take a seat in the living room and watch t.v or something." Cry ordered.

"Sir, yes sir." I saluted walking into the living room plopping down on the couch to watch an episode of Supernatural that was currently on.

Five minutes later and I was called for breakfast. I sat down at the other end of the table and started to eat my plate of food, I couldn't take my mind off of the fact that I chickened out yesterday.

"Felix?" Cry asked, I looked up at him. "Are you okay? You haven't been talking." I stopped eating and awkwardly smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied and started to eat again.

I decided after breakfast I would confess my love for him, it wasn't long before we finished. I got up and put my dish in the sink, I walked into the living room to see Cry's eyes focused on the t.v.

I sat down beside him and twiddled my thumbs, I opened my mouth "C-Cry." I stuttered. Cry took his eyes off of the t.v and looked into mine, "Yes Pewdie?" Cry responded.

"Y-You kn-know what I told you yesterday?" I said averting my eyes, "Yes I do, go on..." Cry trailed off waiting for me to continue.

"Well I lied." I stated, "I wanted to tell you, I wanted to tell you..." I trailed off. "Spit it out Felix." Cry said eagerly, "Oh fuck it." I mumbled "Cry, I love you!".

Cry just sat there and moved his mask just above his lips and smashed them against mine, the kiss was short and passionate.

"I love you too Felix."

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