Chapter 24: Police

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Pewd's POV

I panicked a little seeing as Cry blacked out and is now lying on the ground, then I remember what the doctor said.

He might feel light headed and dizzy causing him to might pass out, I sighed and looked at Cry's body once more before picking him up bridal style and putting him in my bed.

I kissed his forehead and walked out of the room shutting off the lights on my way out.

When Cry woke up I decided to ask him if he remembered anything about Marzia stabbing him with an exacto blade.

"So Cry..." I started, trailing off "Do you uh, remember what happened with Marzia exactly...?"

Cry just sat there, silence. I looked down at his hands, they where bawled into fists.

He started to fidget, "YES I DO REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED WITH THAT BITCH! I WANT HER THROWN BEHIND BARS!" Cry yelled standing up slightly growling at then end of his sentence.

I remained calm and slowly put my hand on his shoulders, he tended up, but then relaxed.

"Now Cry, if we are going to get her thrown behind bars, we need to go to the police station and report it." I explained calmly hoping that he wouldn't snap again.

He slowly sat down and took deep breaths, "Let's go to the police station." Cry said standing up getting on his shoes and coat.

I got up too and did the same, "I wanna drive." Cry insisted. I didn't argue with him, I just let him.

We got into Cry's car and we drove to the police station. When we entered I asked the lady at the front desk if we could get an interview with police men.

She left her place and went to a couple of police men, we where told to go into some room for an interview.

Cry and I entered the room hand-in-hand, I'm guessing he was nervous because he was squeezing my hand pretty hard.

We sat down in chairs next to each other and the police men sat at the opposite side of the table with paper and pens.

"So can you exactly explain the crime in detail?" the police officer asked calmly, Cry's grip got even tighter, he was about to blow.

He released my hand and stood up with so much force he knocked over the chair. "YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!?" he yelled slamming his hands on the table.

"Felix's ex girlfriend Marzia went bat-shit crazy when she found out that I was dating him and came over to our house and stabbed me with an exacto blade. Let me repeat, A FUCKING EXACTO BLADE!" he yelled even more furiously.

"Now sir, could you sit down." the officer asked in a calm tone, I guys this type of behaviour is the norm for him.

Cry slowly loosened his fists and his face lightened, he sat down and slowly grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly again.

"Sir-" Cry cut the police man off, "If you want proof check my medical record." Cry said in a monotone voice.

The police officer stood up and organized his papers, "Thank you for your time sir." he said smiling as he escorted us out of the room following closely behind.

We where about to walk out but the police man grabbed our arms, we turned around to look at him.

"We'll be at your house tomorrow morning."

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