Chapter 5: The date

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Pewds' POV (surprise, surprise)

I straightened out my polo shirt and pulled up my jeans more and brushed my hair I one side with my hand. I placed my glasses on my face and put on my high tops, I looked at my appearance once more and nodded in approval. I walked out of my room to see Cry sitting in the living room with ice cream, "Okay Cry! I'm leaving for my date." I said standing in front of the t.v.

"How do I look?" "You look amazing." Cry replied sticking his spoon in the ice cream and looking up at me, "Thanks Cry." I smiled. Cry got up, "Good luck on the date." he said, I nodded and walked to the door, looking at Cry once more who continued to eat his ice cream. I smiled and left.
I soon arrived to the restaurant to see Marzia sitting on a bench outside of the restaurant wearing a pretty white dress with lace sleeves and matching with white heels, she looked absolutely beautiful. I smiled and waved at her, she looked up and noticed me and she smiled. I walked toward the beautiful Italian girl, she stood up and blushed as I looked into her chocolate brown eyes.

"You must be Marzia." I said smirking, she blushed even harder. "Y-Yes, you m-must b-be Felix." she stuttered, hiding her cheeks. The way she say's my name with her accent is adorable, "Shall we?" I asked putting my hand on my hip. "We shall." she responded locking arms with me. We walked into the restaurant and asked for our reservation, the waiter showed us to our table, a table for two.

This table looked familiar, why? I don't know why, I pulled out a chair and Marzia sat down and I pushed the chair in, I went to the other side of the table and sat down. We ordered and waited for our food, Marzia's hand was on the table and me, being the smooth person I am, placed my hand on her's. She looked at her hand and then looked at me then blushed, I felt a memory flood back.

|The Memory|

I took Cry to a restaurant (which happens to be the one that Marzia and I are in) and we walked in and asked for our reservation the waiter led us to a table, for two... (This is freaky, the table that Marzia and I are sitting at right now...) we ordered our food and waited, Cry's hand was on the table and me, being the smooth person I am, I placed my hand on top of his. He looked at his hand and then looked at me then he blushed. (That just happened with Marzia)

"Felix!" Marzia yelled, well, tried. "Yes." I said looking at her, "You where zoned out for 5 minutes! Our food is here by the way." she mumbled digging into her salad, I sighed and started eating my salad as well.

Why am I having memories of Cry?

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