Passion Fruit

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Chrollo POV

Now back at the HQ, Uvo gave me his old cast so that my broken arm bones could settle back into their original position. IT was kinda too big for me, tho, since he had really big guns and I had a slingshot. Everyone unloaded the fruit into the troup hideout, it was looking nice and colorful and tropical! I loved colors.

"OK boss, can you tell me what we're gonna do with all this fruit now?" Machi asked again.

I didn't rally want to answer but I thought I'd be mean if I didn't so I answered, "we're going to eat it, all."

Everyone's eyes widened simultaneously. "Huh."

"It's part of our new diet, the Nen Fruit Diet, where we only eat fruits and nothing else. It's a healthy diet, the Men Fruit Diet, where we heat fruits and only fruits, because nen fruits are super healthy and nutritious and you can eat as many as you want at any given time point because the help strengthen your nen powers," I explained. I googled 'good nen diets for my troupe' on bing a few days ago and I saw that nen fruits were a good source of nen fuel so I furgured we should all eat it and fuel our nen flesh.

"I'm allergic to fruit," said phinks.

"Yeah I totes don't do fruit," continued Kortopi.

"I'm a carnivore and I only eat raw meat," said Feitan and Uvo in unison.

"Honeslty I just don't like fruit," was what Shizuku had to say.

"Fruit is against my religion," Shalnark

Everyone started to protest my idea, which was bs because I was the boss.

"That sounds cool." Everyone stopped complaining and turned at Emma, who was eating a whole pineapple with the skin and green and everything. "I love fruit!" she exclaimed.

I didn't know what to say. Ecstatic, I watched ecstatically as Emma ate the pinapple flesh, pineapple juices running down her chin and onto the floor. That was gonna make a mess that Shalnark was gonna have to clean up, but I didn't care about that right now. What I cared about was this sight that I saw before me, the beautiful sight of a beautiful girl feeding on this beautiful produce. I was enamored. "Yeah? I love you!" I exclaimed right back.

Everyone especially Emma then turned back to face me, in schock. What the heck did I jsut say.

a/n: nyaha here's the update yallve been waiting for! what should happen next? y'all wanna see more of oza or should i drop her? comment below, thanks

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