Who could be behind this?

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Emma POV

Me and Chrollo quickly made it to his personal library. It seemed as though there were more books filling the shelves now than there were earlier this morning whence I'd initially arrived. I whirleyed back on my feet slowly to face him. "So...what was that??"

I heard Chrollo sigh as he ignited a flame on the huge center candle with his hands. He took a sit in the Big Chair while I sat on the floor. "Tell me the last thing you remember," he asked, crossing his leg. I blushed slightly and turned my gaze. He looked so big and powerful from where I was standing—that's kinda hot.

"Well, I remember seeing Illumi and beating him to a pulp," I said, scratching the back of my neck in an anime-like manner. "Feitan was there too I think."

Chrollo nodded, flipping a page in his exorcism book. He didn't treally seem to be listening. "Anything else?"

"No" I said. "Did I do something?" Why was he being so weird? If I did something wrong then just tell me!

"Hm well, not necessarily. That nen fruit seemed to give you more nen power than you can apparently handle on your own but we'll handle that another time. Now Regarding Illumi—"

I cut him off as respectfully as possible because this was kinda freaking me out!. "What do you mean 'more nen power than I can handle'?! What does that mean? Will something bad happen to me if I keep using more nen than I'm supposed to?"

Chrollo shut his book passive aggressively. "Emma we'll handle that in a little bit! There are slightly more important matters in our hands, like with Illumi. I suspect he was sent here by Oza to try to kill us off one by one."

I shrugged. "It's kinda dumb that he came to the Headquarters then. Also not to sound rude or anything but shouldn't you tell this to everyone at the same time so we all know?"

"Yes it really was," Chrollo laughed. "Because you killed Hisoka and left Oza incapacitated, she's out to kill us—you probably but we're all in this together. Anyway, she's seems to have her hands on some pretty strong connections and some pretty powerful people at her disposal if she can just send a Zoldyck right off the bat."

I sighed loudly and fell back so I'd be laying on my back. "Well what do we do now?" This all seemed pretty serious but I wasn't interested in all this drama, I just wanted to comit crime with hot men.

As Chrollo opened his mouth to speak, Feitan entered the library. "Hey boss i-"

"Feitan what did I say about knocking?" chrollo scolded. "Whatever it's too late, what's it?"

Feitan did a jumping jack, "I got the guy to speak, I think he's ready to talk to you."

Chrollo jumped up from his seat like a bunny jumping through a healthy grass field. "Great news," he said in monotone. "Come on Emma we'll talk on the way." I kipped myself up to feet and followed Chrollo following Feitan down the hall. He leaned to me, "For now we'll have to kill them off as they come to us until we get some leads to Oza, then we can kill her okay?"

I nodded even though the plan might have to change depenging on what that pickle Illumi tells us. Hopefully he gives a good lead so we can get directly to Oza and tell her to stop trying to kill us.

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