she can see

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Chrollo POV

Emma stormed out for whatever reason but I did notice that she looked a lot more serious, like she just experienced a serious power boost. I mean, yeah, she did but, you know.

"So boss," said SHalnark, eating a smushed unpeeled orange from the pile. "Can you record me when I start convulsing? I want a power boost too and I also wanna see how I look when I'm boosting." He took another bite into the fruit, orange juice drizzling down his muscles.

Disgusted, I walked away and into the computer room. I had to do osme more research.

Emma POV

I sat on the air mattress, clutching my head in preparation of an oncoming headache. What was this? A new a bility he said, I think, but what could it be? Sighing loudly I tore off my gloves and fully laid down on the mattress. Right before I could take a rest, I had a vision.

Feitan was by himself on the roof sharpening his sword when a tall guy with long black hair and a pickle looking outfit confronted him and attacked him!

Suddenly I sat up with a start. Could that have been a premonition? Or just a weird irrelevant vision? "Who sharpens their weapons on the roof of a building anyway?!" I thougt aloud as I quickly put the green gloves back on. Feitan was a weird guy and I wouldn't be suprused if he was doing something weird like weaponing on the roof, and if he was on the roof and there was an unknown assailant about to attack him then I had to go up and help!

Chrollo POV

On my way to the computer room I waslked past Emma's room aka my big library. I considered going in to check on her and see how she was but before I could do anything, the door suddenly opened and hit me in the face.

"Ow!" I shrieked, cluthing my face. "Emma what the—"

"Can't talk gotta jet!" she yelled as she sprinted past me.

What the heck was that all about?? I started running after her close behind because I wanted to know what her deal was. And I figure the best way to ask her is to get to her and see what's up.

Emma ran down all the hallways and up the stairs to the roof, which was weird because we never showed her all these halls or the stairs and ihad franklin take down all the troupe hideout maps—which was a bad idea I the first place but I digress—a long time ago so ther was no reason for her to know where all this was. When we got up to the roof, I saw Feitan in a fighting stance standing across from a mysterious man with long hair and gren cloths.

I was still analizing the situation when Emma's and Feitan's hair started glowing neon green. "You!" she yelled, pointing an accusous finger at the mystery man. "What are you here for?!"

He stared at us with his big ol empty black eyes. "Oh youre both out here!" he excliaimed, clasping his hands together happily. "How convenient!"

But Emma didn't budge. She and Feitan assumed a more serious fighting stance, the late night breeze blew Emma's hair slightly, making look a lot like seaweed swaying in the ocean. "I'm not here to play games," she called, more accusatory than before. "Leave now or else I'll—"

"Emma, wait!" I exclaimed, holding out my nonbroken arm to stop her. "I know a Zoldyck when I see one."

a/n: here it is! what should happen next? comment what you think should happen next. ALSO commenting 'update' doesn't make me update any faster. that's why it took me so long to crank out these chapters. anywho, as always thanks for reading!

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