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Gracelyn Holmes, that was her name. She sat in the room quiet as a mouse. Her head spinning, and anger running through her.

"Ms. Compton, did you hear what I asked you?" Sherlock Holmes sat in front of her. She was in a job interview to become his housekeeper.

"Sherlock," The woman called Mrs. Hudson said this, "Stop it. I know all of her credentials and she is a friend. Just let her, Sherlock." The woman put her hand on Gray's shoulder.

"Fine, Ms. Compton, answer me one thing. Where are your parents?" The man sitting in front of her was her father, and her mother was dead. Although Gray wanted to lash out at the man, she did not.

"Dead." Half of what she said was true. Her mother died, and her father probably did not care for her. For god's sake, the man did not even know she existed. "I don't like talking about it." I smiled, hiding my true self.

"Alright, you understand I am the biggest asshole you will ever meet." I nodded my head yes. "You're hired." He sat back in his chair. "Tea?"

Gray got up and made the man some tea. With a sigh of relief, Gray knew that her new adventures with Sherlock Holmes was just about to begin.

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