Chapter 14

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The room was all gray and white. Once gray, metal table in the middle with one chair at each end. There was a lock on the table for handcuffs, but Gray had none, so that was useless to her.

She sat in one of the chairs and Lestrade sat in the other. A large mirror stood behind Lestrade, and Gray new Sherlock was listening on the other side.

"I am going to ask you the first question. What is your name?" Lestrade made no eye contact.

"Gracelyn Pixie Holmes." Gray folded her arms and sat up straight.

"Where are you?" Gray found Lestrade's questions stupid. What did he think she lost her memory due to trauma?

"Scotland Yard." She looked annoyed, which she was.

"How long have you known Hugo Grant? Also known as Psycho." Lestrade wrote some things down on the paper he had and looked back at his notepad.

"Since I was ten, so around six years. Hugo is my best friend, and that's not his name." Gray was pissed with Hugo, so she was going to say the one name he hates.

"Then what is his real name?" Lestrade looked up at Gray. His expression read, annoyed and frustrated.

"Bartholomew Hugo Grant. Psycho's name will change, but we are still deciding what it will be." Gray looked at Lestrade and let a grin run across her face.

"What are you Gray?" Gray looked at the man in confusion. She eyed the glass, to signal Sherlock, but knew it was no use.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Gray answered with a question. Something she always did in interrogations, which makes the cops mad.

"Exactly what I said, what are you Gray? Are you normal? Are you like Sherlock? Mycroft? Or are you someone like Jim Moriarty?" Gray wanted to punch Lestrade for two reasons. One, comparing her to Mycroft Holmes. Two, for mentioning her uncle, like it is a bad thing.

Gray sat back from her lunge position. "I don't know. I do know I have Multiple Personality Disorder. I know my other self is a psychopath and I am a sociopath. I know that I showed no emotions until I actually met Sherlock. I know that I have been raised in an asylum for sixteen years of my life." Gray was now standing out of her chair. " I know that I hurt people, and Grace, the other me, is responsible for so many people getting hurt."

Gray had hate and anger in her eyes. Her hands grasped to the table, and her nails dug into the metal. "That is the type of person I am, Greg." She was not afraid of calling him by his real name.

"From your point of view, please tell me everything that happened." Lestrade looked back at the paper.

"You really have to ask all these questions for just an attempted kiss?" Gray knew what Psycho's intentions actually were, but lied for the sake of her father's ears.

"I will tell you the same thing I told your friend. You screamed like you were being killed. You ran for your life, got caught, hurt, and want to let that go? That does not run in our books, especially if you are Sherlock Holme's child." Lestrade looked at gray for a second and then looked back at his paper. Greg was always a reasonable thinker, but he got on Gray's nerves.

"We were walking like normal, when Psycho suddenly pushed me against the wall. His hands grasped firmly on my forearms, so I could not move. He pushed his face real close and told me that every time he looked in my eyes he falls back in love with me. I screamed when he began to reach in for a kiss." Gray sat back down.

"I ran when two cops grabbed him. He got free and turned me towards him when he caught up. His grip on my wrist increased and he had one hand on my face. He went in for a kiss on my neck, I think, but I moved away. Which created this scratch." Gray took a deep breath.

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