Chapter 28

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The house was a little cottage in the middle of Leicester, England. Gray looked out the window at the long coastal beach outside. The house was very warm and cozy inside. It was two stories and had around three rooms. One on the first floor and two on the second floor.

"So, how do you like it?" He leaned over and looked at Gray. She continued to look around the house.

"I love it." Gray felt like she was finally in a home. Not a hospital, or prison, but a home. She sat on the couch criss-crossed. The room was a bit cold, so Gray rubbed her hands together.

Ryu noticed. He walked over with a fluffy red blanket. Ryu put it around Gray and smiled at her. "I'll make some tea." Gray grabbed the blanket and wrapped it tighter around her. She noticed a pile of books on the table.

Gray grabbed the closest one. Photo Album. The golden words instantly caught Gray's attention. She began looking through all the pictures. Gray would laugh as she saw kid pictures of Ryu.

Eventually this pictures just stopped. Gray sat it down, giving up on the book. Plus, she had three more books to choose from. Gray picked up another book. Crime and Punishment. Gray remembered reading some of this story.

At least you remembered something. She smiled while thinking this. Yes, she thought this. Grace was no longer speaking.

Gray opened to chapter five and began reading again. Even without some of her memories, Gray found this such an intriguing book. Ryu walked over with two cups in his hands.

One was a british flag, the other was a TARDIS cup. Ryu handed Gray the TARDIS cup. "Do you know Doctor Who?"

Gray nodded her head. "Of course, but I always thought that it could be a possibility that the Doctor and his TARDIS were real." Gray joked and grabbed the cup. She felt warm inside smelling the tea. Ryu sat next to her.

"Have you read it?" Ryu looked at the book. Gray nodded her head. She told him that the story was one of her favorites. Ryu agreed. "It's one of my favorites also."

"Ryu, what are you like?" Gray put her cup down and bookmarked the page she was at.

"What do you mean?" He put his cup down also.

"You said that you are my boyfriend, but I don't remember what I liked you for. I don't remember what your personality was and is like. All I want to know is just what you were like. Who you are. Understand?" Ryu nodded his head.

"I am someone who cares a lot about you. I am a psychopath, but can't we just say that you fell in love for me because of my looks." Ryu leaned in closer to Gray. Gray did find Ryu attractive. He really was.

"Yeah, but I want to know. Come on, Oppa." She nudged him. Ryu cracked a smile.

"I am a psychopath. That means that when I have to, and sometimes when I want to, I will kill people. I know you are not a psychopath, but we got along. Gray," Ryu held Gray's hands. "I was one of the few people who could actually understand you. Understand what you went through. What you are still going through."

Gray believed it. She had a hint of psychotic symptoms in her, but mostly reflected a sociopath. She hated her time in the asylum, and Ryu was probably the person she told everything to. The phone rang.

Ryu got up and answered it. He hit the speaker button and sat back down on the couch.

"Hello." Gray was a bit surprised with Ryu's English. It almost sounded like it could have been his first language.

"Gap Dong. It's Jim."

"Hello, Mr. Moriarty. How can I help you?" Gray looked confused. She heard of a Jim Moriarty in the asylum, but never actually remembered meeting him.

"I heard that you have my niece. Give me Gray, and we can be over with our debacle."

Ryu laughed. "I am sorry, but I can't do that. Gray is my patient, and I need to take care of her. If you want her, then you need to come through me."

"I am warning you Ryu. If you don't stor praying and getting in the way. I will burn you...I will burn the heart out of you."

"I'd like to see you try." Ryu hung up the phone. Gray looked at him in shock and confusion.

"Oppa, am I his niece? He said I was." Gray felt so confused. The past day has been the most confusing day ever.

Ryu pulled Gray up. He took off the blanket from her. "Your biological mother is his sister. Gray, you've had a long day."

"Yeah, no kidding." Ryu had his hands on her arms. They crept up to her shoulders, and then cupped her face.

"Go to bed. You need the rest." He kissed her on the cheek. "Your room in down the hall, first door on the right. Goodnight." He smiled back at her and kissed her on the other cheek.

Gray smiled and walked down to her room. It was a nice plain colored room. The interior decorating was decent, and two large bookshelves ran across the walls. A window seat sat in between them.

She looked into one of the drawers, and was shocked to see clothes inside. "You were expecting me." She smiled. Maybe Ryu was a good guy. Even if he could have been mean in her past, he was getting a new start. Gray forgot her memories, so Ryu can form new ones.

Gray grabbed a pair of pajamas and changed. They were shorts and a long t-shirt. Gray wabbled over to her bed, and laid down. Tomorrow was a new day, and she was getting a new start.

"Forget the past. Let's just look at the future." She told herself this and then closed her eyes. Gray repeated this in her head until she fell asleep.


My chapters are getting shorter. Why? I can't answer that for you.

But, yeah, new start for Gray. Gray Compton. Doesn't have a ring.

Gray Holmes. Kind of has a ring.

Gracelyn Holmes. Has a ring.

Gracelyn Compton. No, just no.

BTW, I just had to mention something with Doctor Who. Hope you liked it.

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