Chapter 18

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"I remember you Gray. You and Hugo were a thing." Sebastian joked.

"No, we are not!" Gray felt like it was a lie. She had already kissed Hugo, and according to Grace, she claimed him. Psycho also kissed her, and claimed Gray.

"Sure, let's just say that." Sebas stopped the car.

"Sebas, what's up?" Gray moved closer to the door.

"You still call me that." Sebas laughed. He unbuckled his seat and walked out the car. Gray watched as the shadow walked around the car and opened the door. "Come on. Don't want to leave Jim waiting." He smiled and Gray got out.

She walked with Sebastian following close behind. The place was an abandoned building. It spelt of sulfur and cyanide. Gray was shocked with the other smell. Was Moriarty the one who committed the crime? It would seem like something he would do.

Gray was led to a room with double doors. "Go on." Sebastian tapped Gray to move and she did. Gray walked in to see her uncle sitting on a throne of his own.

He smiled upon seeing Gray. "Gray!" He walked off and gave her a hug. There were many psychopaths in the room. Many of Jim's assassins and even the three of two of them. "What? I don't like to get my hands dirty." Jim showed off his assassins.

Jim brushed his fingers against Gray's scar. "You do this?" He looked at Sebastian.

"No, she came with that." Sebastian had lost his smile and now just watched the two interact.

"Gray do you have any idea why I called you here?" Jim looked down at her.

"No." Jim pulled Gray to a large 'X' in the middle of the floor. He told her to stay.

"You will work for me. I need your skills to kill someone." Jim smiled and tapped his fingers on his leg.

"No, I would never do that." Gray felt disgusted and turned to leave. Sebastian stood there with a gun in his hand. He shook his head no, and then Gray turned back around.

A large red curtain was taken down and Hugo was revealed. He sat in the chair with duct tape across his mouth. Gray realized that Psycho was out, and he was stuck.

Upon seeing Gray, Psycho wiggled and squirmed. "Stay calm tiger. I'll let you get her soon." Jim brushed a finger against Psycho's face. Psycho lunged forward, but didn't make it far.

"So this is what is going to happen. You will kill the person for me, your friend will live, and help you kill the person. In the end I will let both of you free." Jim smiled. "If you don't then I will let Psycho do whatever he wants to you, and then kill him."

Jim began to smile and laugh to himself. "It's a bit sexier when you think about it." He walked up to Gray and stood inches away from her. "So, what is your choice?"

Gray looked at Psycho. He had gone a bit limp, and just remained eye contact with Gray. She felt bad for him. Gray wanted to help him, but she remembered her position at the moment.

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