Chapter 15

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Gray sat on the bed with her feet dangling. She flinched with every prick in her cheek, and every dap of alcohol on her wrist.

"Stop moving!" Both John and Mary said this to her.

"Sorry, but one of you guys have alcohol that stings and the other a needle that hurts." Gray gripped her skirt with one of her hands.

"Stop talking." John was doing her face, while Mary on her wrist. There was a mirror in front of her, so she could see what was going on. A white towel sat on Gray's shoulder, where she could see the bright red blood drop.

Mary wrapped Gray's wrist up and smiled up at the girl. "All one here." Mary put her hand on Gray's shoulder and began to rub it. "Get well."

Gray smiled and began to nod her head. "Stop!" John grabbed her chin and held it in place. Finally Gray could feel cold scissors against her face. A memory of the razor flashed before her eyes.

Right when John cut the string, Gray moved her face away. Her eyes were wide, and she began to shake. Mary grabbed Gray's hand. "It's alright dear."

"Gray, it is all over now. You are safe." John turned her head towards him. "Let me finish up here, and then I can take you home." John gave off his usual comforting smile.

Gray allowed John to put the patch on her face and seal it up. "There, now you can go home." Gray nodded her head.

Text from Sherlock:

I am at home. Come when you are finished with John. -SH

We just finished up. I am on my way. -GH

Gray nodded her head and they began walking out. They grabbed a cab and began their journey to 221B Baker Street.


"That will scar." Sherlock touched the patch lightly on Gray's face. "Well, for now get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow. Remember it's Monday, tomorrow." Sherlock smiled and sent Gray to her room.

"You shouldn't make her go Sherlock. She is smart enough to just skip it." Mrs. Hudson walked up and gave Gray some more bandages.

"Mrs. Hudson, I do not think I need all of this stuff. I will be perfectly fine, I promise you. Plus, I am alright with going tomorrow. I am nervous, but I can do good." Gray smiled and walked to her room.

She plummeted on her bed. Tears began to pour down her face. Gray laid on her bed crying until she eventually fell asleep. 


Sorry it is so short. I couldn't think of anything. Hey can you guys also help me with trying to figure out a new case for Sherlock. Thank you, that will help a lot. 

Thank you for reading. Have a great day!!

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