Chapter 8

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Peter's voice shook. His hands had cut marks on them, and Jim looked like to have a concussion.

"What the bloody hell did you do, Peter?" Sherlock ran up and grabbed his brother's collar. John ran to check Jim's pulse.

"He is alive, but his pulse is a bit weak. Gray call an ambulance." Gray did as commanded. Jim opened and eye, but then fell again.

"I-"Peter could not speak. Sherlock tightened his grip on Peter's shirt.

"The ambulance is on it's way. We just have to keep him alive till then. What were you thinking Peter!? Revenge is never the answer." Gray looked at her uncle.

"Look's like you fixed that psychopath." Peter pushed his brother off of him.

"What do you mean, fixed? Don't call me a psychopath!" Gray was furious, but did not want to hurt him.

"What do I mean? You tried to kill Sherlock, but you told the girl not to. Grace?" Peter was mad and so was everyone in the room.

"Don't say that name to me! I know Grace came out, that is why I woke up in the MRI bed. I have gone through this many times, and it kills me everytime. Each time someone either, gets into the hospital, or is injured. Who did I hurt this time?" Gray was mad and had tears in her eyes. She was hurt, and hated herself. "Me? I am use to that. Grace uses me to get to people I love. She hurts her host body. Constantly. I can tell that Sherlock was the other. With the scratch on his face."

"Gray I am sorry. I-" Peter got a closer look at the beaten up girl.

"No, no sorry. That is a stupid thing that I hate. Let me guess, Grace threatened to kill me? She always does. I never remember what happens, but I can feel her feelings. I can feel the pain, and that is what I remember when she is in control." Gray got herself together.

"The kids cry out, 'Please stop, you're scaring me.' I can't help this awful energy. They are right, you should be scared of me." Gray tried to laugh. "I always wonder, who is in control? There are times when I think I am Grace, but I am not. I am meaner that Grace, she at least can laugh and smile, without forcing it!" Gray was angry. Her hands so gripped together that her nails were digging into her skin. Blood began to run down her hands.

"Gray, you are going to hurt yourself. You do not scare me." Sherlock grabbed a napkin and put them on her hands. "You are not meaner than Grace. We will figure out how to stop her. Gray, you will be fine. I promise you." Sherlock bent down to Gray's level and looked at her in the eyes.

His ocean eyes peered into her's. She had more green in her's and it faded. His were just comforting. Sherlock smiled at his daughter. Since Gray arrived, Sherlock has changed a lot. Some for the better.

Mrs. Hudson taught Sherlock how to be smarter. Not logically, though. John taught him how to have a heart and to be kind. Mycroft taught him how to hate. Jim taught him how to be more clever, and fast. (Not really.) Gray, she teaches Sherlock to put others before himself. How? She is his daughter. Father's learn a lot of responsibility when they have children. They become more pushy, and protective. Sherlock is kind to Gray. He loves her, because she reminds him of himself. He just wishes she turnes out more like her mother, a kind hearted person, than like him.

Gray loved her father. She likes calling Sherlock "dad." It feels comfortable and normal to her. She just wished her mother was here to see, but she did have a mother figure.

There was a women that would visit her at the hospital every single day. Eventually it became twice a week, than once. Although it was once, the Women would never forget to meet her. The Women told her that she was a friend of her father's. That she even dated him at one point.

~*~ Flashback~*~

"Mom!" Gray ran up to the Women and gave her a hug.

"Gracelyn, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'mom?'" The Women looked at the young girl.

"Sorry, it's just, you feel like a mother to me. You have always been there, and you even said that my father and you dated." Gray looked at the Women and smiled. "I apologize ma'am."

"Gracelyn, call me Irene. My name is Irene, not ma'am. I have not seen your father since I have faked my death, but I do text him once in awhile." She smiled at Gray. "I still can't believe after ten years, he still has not found out about you."

Gray laughed. "I know. Maybe is more dumb than we thought." Irene and Gray laughed.

"Gray! Gray!" A young blond boy ran up to her. He was taller than her and older.

"Hugo! Irene, this is Hugo. He is new here, and my age." Gray hugged her friend.

"No, I am two years older." Hugo laughed and hugged Gray back.

"I ship it." Irene laughed.

"What does that mean?" Gray and Hugo looked at the women in confusion.

"Nothing dear's. Why don't you too run along and play. I have to get going also." Irene said goodbye to the two.

"Goodbye Ms. Adler." Hugo smiled. Irene looked at him in shock, and then the two ran off.

~*~ End of Flashback~*~

Gray never asked Sherlock about Irene Adler, aka the Women. She always kept quiet, wondering if it would bring back old/bad memories. Sherlock pulled his daughter into a hug.

Gray stopped the hug when the ambulance people came in. They went over to talk to John and then took James out.

"This is all your fault." Sherlock gave his brother a disgusted look. Peter then walked away.

"Technically it's Gray's. This would have never happened if she had told us that she was going to bring Moriarty inside." Peter looked Gray strait into the eyes. He had hate behind them, and Gray was about to have that behind her's. Yet, she still did not hate her uncle.

"Don't blame it on her. She did a casual human mistake of forgetfulness." Sherlock looked his brother strait in the eyes.

"Really?" Peter laughed. "You really are sticking up for her. You never stick up for someone who shows real emotions. It means you care. We all know Sherlock Holmes does not have a heart. He does not love. He doesn't have friends, and family. He has one friend, John. You consider your family as your enemies, so why not consider Gray. She did admit that she wants to kill you."

"That was not me!" Gray yelled this at Peter. Her hands were in fists and her body ached to punch him.

Go on, just do it. Usually the day-or-so after she gets procedure done, she hears Grace speak only one sentence. This was it. Grace told her to punch Peter, and that is exactly what Gray did.

Before anyone in the room could think about it, Gray's fist collided with Peter's face. Most people stopped what they were doing and Sherlock jumped back.

Peter had fallen to the floor and gripped his face. He had a cut on his lip and his nose began to bleed. Peter stood back up, and had a cut on his forehead. His head must have hit the shelf when he fell.

"Gray!" Sherlock put his hands around Gray's. He pulled her in and pushed her a bit behind him.

"I swear!" Peter launched out at Gray, but John tried to stop him. Quickly John and Sherlock switched spots.

"Stay behind me, and run!" John said this to Gray.

"Run, Gray! I can't hold him off that long!" Sherlock yelled this as his brother was pushing forward. The moment Gray saw the fury in Peter's eyes, she ran.

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