Chapter 29

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Ryu stood at the stove cooking breakfast. Ryu carefully poached the eggs and threw the biscuit in the toaster. It was going to be his first attempt to make Gray's favorite dish, Eggs Benedict.

Gray walked in with her hair pulled up in a ponytail. She wore shorts with a long t-shirt. Ryu signaled Gray to sit, and he poured her a cup of tea.

"Is that Eggs Benedict?" She sat up in her chair to see what Ryu was cooking.

"It's almost done. Be patient." Ryu put the biscuit on the plate. He topped it with sweet ham and the egg. He had to be careful not to break the egg while doing so. Ryu grabbed the hollandaise sauce. Lastly he topped it with a drizzle of salt and rosemary. Ryu put the two plates on the table.

"It looks, and smells delicious." Gray leaned forward and smelt the dish. Ryu smiled at her delighted face.

"It's my first time making the dish. I hope it turned out well." Both of them dug in. The egg was perfect. It ran everywhere when they finally broke it. Gray enjoyed eating the dish.

When they finished Ryu put the plates away. They had moved outside on a bench. The bench swung, so gray rocked back and forth. She enjoyed the smell of the water, and the feel of the cold.

Today was a sunny day out. Some clouds covered over, but still allowed the sun to peak out. Ryu came back out and sat next to her.

"Ryu, I wanted to tell you something." Gray turned towards him. She was in a criss-crossed position and stared at Ryu's eyes.

Ryu was instantly captivated with Gray's eyes. They were like an ocean after a storm. Blue, green, and just beautiful. "Anything."

"I've decide, about my memory." This began to worry Ryu. He really didn't want her to start remembering. That means she would figure out that she actually hates him. "I don't want to remember the past."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ryu was overjoyed with it, but kept that all locked inside.

"Let's look to the future, not the past. If I try getting my memory back, then that would only be a headache. Plus, it doesn't matter what you were like back then, it just matters what you will be in the future." Ryu was a bit shocked. The Gray from before wouldn't have said that. Although, he was relieved that she wanted to forget the past.

"Alright. Let's make new memories." He smiled a dorky smile with showed off his white buck teeth. "Gray, do you want to do something with me today?"

Gray nodded her head. She smiled. "What are we going to do?"

"There is a black outfit in your closet. Get into that. I'm going to show you what I am really like." Ryu smiled and got up. Gray got up and went to her room.

She looked through her closet, and saw a black leather suit in the back. Gray took it out and got into it. She looked at herself in the mirror, and felt like this was the person she was suppose to be. Like she was suppose to be a-

Gray couldn't think of it. She wore a black leather jumpsuit outfit. It was a little like Catwoman's but not so open to skin. The neck went up into a choker, collar. The sleeves were cut off and she wore black boots. When she thought about it again, it was like Black Carries and White Canaries outfit's mixed.

Gray wore her hair down and black eyeliner on the bottom. She did a smokey eye look which made her eye color pop. She wore a black belt around her and dark maroon colored lipstick.

"This is me." The more she looked at herself, the more she felt like she would feel like this is her "natural form."

Ryu knocked at the door. "You ready?" He wore black trousers with a black t-shirt. He had a leather jacket on with a hood. His hair was down close to his eye. "You look beautiful. Ready to go?"

"Yeah." Gray followed Ryu out to the car. They began driving throughout London. Gray wore a black trench coat over the outfit. She flipped up the colors and looked out the window.

"Why do you do that?" Ryu kept a straight face and watched the road.

"What? The collar?" Gray pointed towards it. Ryu nodded his head. "I don't know why. It just feels normal for me to do." Ryu thought to when he saw Sherlock with the cloar like that.

They arrived at their destination. The two got out and walked inside the abandoned building.

Two guards stood at the front. Ryu said something to them, but Gray couldn't catch it. Both walked into a large room. In the middle sat a throne with a large crimsoned colored tarp behind it.

In the throne sat a man with Westwood branded suit. He smiled upon seeing the two. "Gray!" The man jumped down and opened his arms towards her.

Gray backed away. "You must be Jim Moriarty." Jim looked confused while looking at Gray and Ryu.

"What drug did you use?" Jim kept his gaze on Gray.

"Blebbistatin. It was quite hard to find. Not to mention the various experiments so that it would work on certain memories." Ryu felt guilty saying this in front of Gray. He hopped she wouldn't catch on to what he was saying.

"Clever." Jim walked back over to Gray. "You work for me now. What is your code name?"

"Hatter." The word slipped out like it was nothing for Gray. Her hair had frizzed up to the humidity in the air.

"Nice to meet you Hatter." Jim shook Gray's hand. "Let's start with how good you are. Bring out the victim." Jim jumped up and ran to his throne.

A man with a plaid shirt was pulled out. He struggled in his chair. The chair was put in front of Gray with a table full of different knives and tools. She eyed them.

"I want you to kill him. You may use any means necessary." Jim sat back in his chair. Gray eyed the struggling man.

She knew him, but didn't say a word. The man, was Peter.  


I don't know what I am writing anymore. *sigh*

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