Chapter 12

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Gray was excited and nervous to see Hugo. She could not decide on an outfit this morning. Eventually she went with black tights, a short black skirt, and a black peter-pan collared shirt. The shirt was black, but had a white peter-pan collar. It was a long-sleeved shirt that went to her wrists. Gray stared at the scar on her arm, before putting the shirt on.

She kept her hair down and put on black eyeliner. She had a soft pink lipstick on and smiled at herself in the mirror. Gray put on her treble-clef necklace. It was the last thing she had from her mother. Then she put on her black combat boots. Gray felt she was ready and headed downstairs.

"Good Morning, Dad." She smiled at her father. He was already dressed in a casual suit and tie. His dress shoes seemed to be polished, and he did not wear a tie, or bowtie.

Sherlock was a bit confused with Gray's happy personality. Just a few hours ago, she was mean and mad. "Good Morning Gray." Sherlock smiled and Mrs. Hudson came in with tea.

"Good Morning Mrs.Hudson." Gray smiled and grabbed a cup of tea.

"Good Morning, love. I also made coffee if you want any. Your father likes his black, with two sugars." She smiled at Gray.

"I know, he is very dark." Gray laughed at her father. "Dad, when is Hugo getting here?"

"Soon. I just spoke to Mycroft and he said that he will be here in around five minutes." Sherlock looked at Gray and then down at his phone. His hair looked like it was not combed because it fell forward with every movement. He had his legs crossed and sat straight as usual. Gray wanted to be like her father in certain aspects, but she knew that she had to learn to be her own person.

Gray went and sat in John's chair. "Wow!" She fell into it slumping. "Now, that is a deep chair. How does Uncle John sit in this?" She adjusted herself to a comfortable position.

"I do wonder that, he is a short person. Although, he is a doctor, so he figures it out." Sherlocked joked around and went back to his phone. Suddenly he shot his head up to the door. "Good Morning, Hugo."

Gray jumped out of the chair and fixed her skirt. "Morning Hugo." She smiled at her friend. She laughed when she saw what he was wearing. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"What? There my clothes, that is all." Hugo got out of the grasp of his handler and walked over to Gray. He wore a beanie on his head, with glasses on. He had on yellow shirt with a cardigan looking, blue jacket. He had a watch on his right arm and jeans on. He looked like a normal civilian.

"Just not use to seeing you, well, like this." Gray suddenly felt uncomfortable. The thought of the kiss popped into her head, and she looked at the floor.

"I will leave him." Hugo's handler turned around and left. Hugo sat in the chair that Sherlock set out.

"Good Morning, sir. Last I saw you, well, you met Psycho." Hugo smiled at Sherlock and then looked at Gray. She had adjusted herself in John's chair.

"Do you remember almost hitting me?" Sherlock looked at Hugo emotionless.

"Yes, sir. I am sorry about that again. Truly." Hugo looked ashamed in himself and looked at his hands.

Sherlock looked at Hugo and sighed. "I want to get to know you Hugo. Gray told me what happened between Psycho and her. Just want to know you are a good kid." Hugo's eyes widened. He bit his lips quickly and then looked up at Sherlock and Gray.

Even Gray was shocked with Sherlock's words. He did not say that she kissed Psycho, but he implied it. Gray mouthed 'dad' at Sherlock and put her head down in embarrassment.

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