Chapter 24

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Gray woke up to a warm figure next to her. She opened her eyes and saw Hugo laying there. For a second Gray wondered if she was dreaming, but then remembered last night.

Remembered how Hugo came to the rescue when she had her nightmare. When she closed her eyes and saw Ryu again. Ryu, the man the torture her, and is after her.

"If you make out of this alive, than you will be mine." ... "Don't forget that you belong to Gap Dong." Gray remembered all too well what he said that day.

Suddenly her phone buzzed.

Text from Levi:

Hey, we got some more information on the criminal. He name is Ryu Tae Oh. He is the age you said, nineteen. Known as a serial killer in Islam, South Korea. He is a copycat of a famous killer named Gap Dong, back in the old days. Now he took the identity, and has already attempted to kill nine people. Some, of which, made it out safe, others made it out hurt.

What did the Islam police say about taking back Ryu? -GH

Gray awaited to hear back from Levi. She looked to her right again, and saw Hugo looking at her and her phone. His brown eyes peered at her. "Morning." She said this with a smile.

Hugo didn't even crack a grin. "Why are you bothering with him this early in the morning? This Ryu Tae Oh guy is nothing. Last night you entirely freaked out because of him, and you are still worried. After all he has done." Hugo sat up a bit in the bed. "Rest, for one day. Clear your mind away."

Hugo rubbed Gray's head. He smiled upon seeing her with a scowl on her face.

"Fine, I'll let it go." Gray got up and saw her father sitting there. "Dad, what are you doing here?"

"Making sure nothing happens. Mum made breakfast. Hurry and dress." Sherlock got up and signaled Hugo out. Both left Gray sitting on the bed.

Gray opened her bag and looked throughout it. She searched for some clothes, and came across some. Gray put on a red sweatshirt with black leggings on. She grabbed some boots and put those on also. Gray comb her hair, and braided it into two pigtails.

She walked out to the living area, where Mary and John sat. The baby was in a carriage in the corner of the room. Gray sat in a chair near the fire. "Feels nice." She smiled and rubbed her hands.

"Glad you are doing better." John and Mary smiled. "Are you doing better?"

"I am Aunt Mary." Gray smiled. Hugo walked in the room. He had on trousers, a black t-shirt, and gray shoes. He came and sat next to her.

"It's cute." John smiled at the two kids.

"What is?" Hugo had his arm around Gray. She sat with her knees to her chest and picked at her nails.

"The two of you. Soon, you can get married." Mary smiled. She gained a glare from John. "What? I am her Aunt, I can say those things."

"When do you turn 19, Hugo?" John had a cup of tea in his hand, and Mary sat reading a book.

"In two months. Soon, but not too soon." Hugo smiled. Gray remembered Hugo's first birthday in the asylum. They did nothing, and did not like birthdays.

"Why don't we plan a party Gray?" John and Mary nudged this.

Hugo shook his head. "Actually I don't like birthday parties. They give off bad memories."

Mary tilted her head and sat up. "What is that suppose to mean?"

Hugo sighed. "Uh, so actually I told you about my mother's death. That happened to be the night before my birthday. Ever since then, it is the day I remember my mother's death. That day I usually go meet my father in jail. Gray comes with me." Hugo smiled. He talked carelessly of it, but he still hated the thought of meeting the man.

Gray nudged herself in Hugo's arm. She rubbed the one that was on her shoulder. "It's okay." She mouthed this. Knowing he probably couldn't hear what she said.

"I know." Hugo said this and rubbed her arm. Mycroft walked in a gaged.

Mycroft scowled at everyone. "Disgusting. So much affection in one room." Gray's phone buzzed.

Text from Levi:

Bad news. The Islam Police is not able to get Ryu soon. They said at the earliest, a year, latest two. There is a ton of paperwork to do because it is a problem with the nation. One both sides of the globe. Sorry Gray.

Gray dropped her phone. "Gray!" Hugo caught it before it fell face first on the wood. "You alright. You've gone pale." His face was filled with worry.

Hugo looked at the text and then looked at Gray. He looked around the room, and handed the phone to John. John read the text and the one preserving. Mary caught a glimpse of it, from her position on the couch.

"Gray, we will protect you." John got up and held Gray in his arms. "No matter what happens, you will be safe."

"At least in the end." Mycroft tapped the table. "Or, she could be kidnapped again by Moriarty or Ryu could break out of the prison and find her. Even-"

"Shut the bloody hell up!" Hugo got up and held one fist in the air. The other was wrapped on Mycroft's collar. "That will never happen to Gray. I promised I would protect her."

"Says the person who hurts her the most. How do we know Psycho won't come back out and hurt her even worse?" Hugo punched Mycroft in the jaw. Mycroft collapsed on the floor, and everyone else ran in.

Mrs. Hudson ran over to Mycroft. "Mike what happened?"

"He is fine, just got punched by Hugo." John stood up. Gray stayed staring at the floor. She just couldn't wrap her head around any of it. Ryu was still in London, and could break free.

"Why would you punch him?" Mrs. Hudson was furious. She got up and held her hands on her hips.

Hugo stared at the floor and then Gray. "He went past his limit. Mycroft may own the government, but he does not own us. He went past his limit the moment he started -"

"No, Mycroft was right. Ryu can get out anytime and I am in danger. That only puts all of you in danger. Dad, I think we should go home. Maybe, that will be the safest place for me, and for all of you." Gray stood up and went to walk. Instead she just collapsed on the floor. Sherlock grabbed her and she just sat there on the floor.

Sherlock observed Gray. Frightened and nervous. The two things he could see clearly. "You are right. Sorry Mum and Dad, but we will be leaving. Go pack your bags." Gray nodded her head and went to her room.

Hugo followed close behind. Gray took out her bag and just began stuffing her things inside. Hugo handed the items to her and she put it in.

Text from Lestrade: Group text to Sherlock, John, Sergent Major Morris, and Mycroft

Ryu escaped.

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