Chapter nine

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"Mommy? Why are you mad at me? I didn't do anything. Pwese don't hurt me."

"Shut you mouth you stupid little girl. You woke me and dad up with your stupid screaming, Now you're going to get it."

"No mommy, Pwease! I didn't mean to have a bad dream. I'm sorry!"
And then I woke up before she could hit me again by daddy shaking me awake.

"Molly, Sweetie look at me. She's not going to get you. You're safe, I'm right here."

"I-I'm sorry daddy. I just had a bad dream about my mommy. She was very angry at me for waking her up."

"Awe, It's okay. I just wish you didn't have to go through what you went through with your old family. But you have us now, You're safe."

"I-I know daddy. But she keeps hurting me in my dreams. How do I learn to forget, Daddy?"

I could tell daddy didn't know what to say about that. But he said that they'd help me by showing me how a real family is supposed to treat me. Which I couldn't be more happy about. They are so sweet to me. I just wish I could just forget how bad my old parents treated me. But it's only been about 2 months since I was adopted by daddy. So he told me it'll take a while to get used to things being different.

"Okay, So we have a show tonight, And we have to get to the arena for sound check and a short rehearsal before the show tonight." Uncle ashy said.

"So, What do I do then. While you guys are doing your show tonight?" I asked.

"You'll be with Lou, Our stylist. She's very nice, And you'll be able to meet her later when we go to rehearse." Daddy told me.

"Okay. Sounds good." I told daddy.

It's just about time for daddy and my uncles to go on stage. I was getting excited because I get to watch them perform for the first time behind the stage.

"Okay guys. You're on in five!" The sound guy said.

"You going to be okay with Lou?" Daddy asked.

"Yes, She's nice. And look! She got me all dressed up!" I said.

"I see that. You look very cute little miss." Daddy said.

"Okay honey, I've gotta go. Have fun and stay by Lou and the crew, Okay?" Daddy asked.

"She'll be fine Mikey. She's safe with us!" Lou said.

"Thank you guys for watching her! I'll see you after a bit!" Daddy yelled and he left to the stage.

"You're eyes and smile can light up the night, Night!! Embers and neon times paint up our sky, Sky!

Airplanes, Cut through the clouds like angles can fly, We'll never die. Sirens cut the the night like screams set on fire, Rising up higher. I've got something to prove, Nothing to loose, In this city, In this city."

Hearing daddy sing his new song, "Airplanes" was amazing. He's sounds so good when he plays. Along with my uncles too.

While daddy was playing on stage, This mean woman came up too me and took me from Lou.

"This little girl needs a better family then this. She can't be with them. They don't take care of her like a real family should." This lady said to Lou.

She took me from Lou and I saw daddy had seen what happened because he stopped playing and ran back to me.

"Hey! What are you doing with my daughter? You can't just take her."

"I can too. And she's going to be treated like how a real daughter should be treated."

"No! You can't do that! She's my daughter! You can't do this!"

"Mikey!!" I screamed. And the next thing I knew, I was put in a van and we were gone.


Well then, Some random lady came a took her away. And I know what you're probably thinking. Who is that lady? And how did she know where to find them? But that'll all be explained in the next chapter. But anyways, I'll probably update again tomorrow, So yeah. Thanks for reading this so far. I'm thinking there might be like roughly sixteen maybe seventeen chapters for this book. But I'm still not sure yet. Depends in how much fun I have these next few chapters, Haha. Anyways, There will be another update, So just keep reading!
Thanks guys!

xx Gretchen xx

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