Chapter twenty

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Today is the day that we are going to surprise daddy and Rachel with a party to celebrate their announcement for having a baby. So everyone got things ready at the place we rented out the day before when me and uncle Cal were busy distracting them. But we succeeded with our plan and now it was time to surprise them.

"Hey guys, I wanna take you somewhere. You know, Just to hang out and stuff." Uncle Cal said to them.

"Um, Okay. Where are we going?" Daddy asked.

"It's a surprise!" Uncle Cal said.

"Okay, Well are we leaving now?" Daddy asked.

"Um, Yeah! Let's go!" Cal said.

We headed to the restaurant we rented for this event and me and Cal looked at each other and smiled and the headed out.

"Um, Cal? Why are we pulling into a restaurant?" Rachel asked.

"You'll see!" Cal said and rushed them into the restaurant.

"Okay, Guys, Close your eyes." Cal told them.

"SUPRISE!!!!!" Everyone yelled once we stepped into the restaurant.

"Woah! What's going on?" Rachel asked.

"We wanted to surprise you guys with a celebration to congratulate you with the news of having a baby!" Uncle cal said.

"Wow, This is amazing Cal! Thank you so very much! We love you guys so much!" Rachel said.

"It was Ashton's idea. But we all thought it was a good idea too." Luke said.

"Well thanks guys. This is such a great surprise and just very special to us." Daddy said.

The party started and daddy and Rachel looked like they were having a lot of fun. And it made me happy to see them so happy and excited to have a baby. I was happy to be a part of this family. We may have our ups and downs, But there's been more good that come out of this family then bad. And I couldn't be more grateful for that.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Uncle Ashy asked. "Mikey, Rachel, I'd just like to say that we are all so happy for you to be having a baby soon. And I know she'll be a super great girl. Even if she'll become a handful, And Mikey, Be prepared for tea parties and dress ups like you still do with Molly. But now you'll have twice the screaming girls to deal with. And Nathan, I feel bad for you, You'll have two sisters to deal with. All I can say is good luck man. You're going to need it. But just know you guys be a good brother and sister to this little girl. Love you Clifford's! You mean a lot to us."

"Awe, Thanks Ash. That meant a lot to us! We love you guys too!" Daddy said.

"And just think. She'll become a 5 seconds of summer fan as well! And we can bring her to our concerts too!" Lukey said.

"Oh defiantly!" Daddy said.

The party was starting to die down after about three hours into it and some people were starting to leave.

"I just wanted to say before you guys leave, Thank you all for coming out and celebrating our baby announcement with us. That means a lot to us that all of you guys came out here for us. We can't wait to show you guys our baby once she's born. And I know we'll all love her. You hear that baby girl. We all love you so much."

Daddy said into Rachel's stomach. That got everyone to laugh and smile at his actions. But we all know he's very excited for the baby to come.

"Daddy, I have a surprise for you and Rachel. We made something special for you at home once we found out you were having a baby. But you have to wait until we get home to see it." I said.

When we found out Rachel and daddy are having a baby. My uncles and I thought building them a nursery was something they'd love. So we told them we'd show them once we get home. And they lit up after hearing that.

"I wonder what it could be?" Rachel said.

"You'll love it. I know you will!" I told them.

"You guys are sneaky." Daddy said.

We started to clean up and get ready to head home because people were starting to leave now. So once we finished cleaning up. We were all excited to show them what we made for them and their new baby.

"Okay, Before we show you what's behind this door, We need you to close your eyes." Ashy said.

"Haha, Okay. They're closed!" Daddy and Rachel said.

"All right. 1-2-3 open your eyes!" We all yelled.

"Oh, Wow! It's beautiful! This room, It's so perfect! How did you guys make this without us knowing?" Rachel asked.

"It's called distraction. And building fast." Ashy said.

"Well, This is perfect. I love it so much. Thank you guys!" Daddy said.

"You're welcome Mike." Uncle Cal said.

"And mommy look, There's even toys all ready for her when she can play with them!" Nathan said.

"Yeah! And we even bought some clothes for her. I picked a lot of dresses for her. She's going to look so cute in them!" I said.

"Awe, Thank you guys. I just love this so much!" Rachel said.

Rachel and daddy couldn't stop smiling after we showed them what we did for them and the new baby. And honestly seeing how happy they are makes me feel so grateful to be in this family. Since I never got anything as special as the new baby will have, I figured I should do something nice for the new baby so she doesn't feel the same way I did. And that makes me happy that I can do that for her. I all ready love her so much, And she's not even born yet.

Getting adopted into this family was the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. And I couldn't ask for a better family then this one.



Well there you have it. This is the last chapter for this book. And I'm kinda sad this ones all ready over. But it was fun making. But I'm going to start in the new book here soon. So I can't wait for you guys to read that one too! I'll be posting the epilogue here soon. And then that's it!

Anyways thanks for reading and for voting for it. I really appreciate it. And I hope you're all doing well!

xx Gretchen xx

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