Chapter twelve

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Me and daddy over slept this morning and when we woke up, Everyone started to hit us with pillows.

"Hehe okay, Okay! I'm up!" I yelled.

"But Mikey isn't yet. So, Let's get him up by pushing him off the bed!" Uncle Ashy said.

"Hehe okay!" I laughed.

"1-2-3, Go!" Ashy yelled.

"Ouch, What? What's going on?" Daddy asked.

"We have to get up! We have a interview today, And then a show tonight. Remember?" Ashy asked.

"Oh yeah! Okay, I'm up." Daddy said.

"Okay, So the interview starts at noon, And then we have sound check at five, And the concert starts at seven." Ashy said.

"Do I get to go along too the interview?" I asked.

"Yes, I believe you will be doing it with us too. The radio station called and said all of us, So I'm assuming that means you too!" Daddy said.

"Okay, Sounds fun!" I said.

Uncle Lukey got a call a couple hours later saying we needed to head to the radio station for the interview. So we all piled into the van and headed out.

"Good afternoon guys and gal. Who's this cutie?" The interviewer asked.

"This is Molly, My daughter." Daddy said.

"Oh, well nice to meet you Molly." The guy said.

"Okay, So we start in two, So get ready." The interviewer said.

"Good after noon everyone, I'm Rick and with me is 5 Seconds of Summer! Now I know some of you all ready know they are touring and having a show tonight, But we'd like to play some games with some of the callers and you could win tonight's tickets, And back stage passes! So call now for a chance to win!" Rick said.

"Okay, Guys. So how is it touring with Molly with you?" Rick asked.

"It's great! We had to get her some help at first, Because she was having bad nightmares, But she seems to be getting better. Some nights she has one, But most nights she's able to sleep well." Daddy said.

"Yeah, And she provides us with loads of entertainment. She's adorable and very fun to have around." Uncle Cal said.

"Awe, we that's great to hear. Now I heard someone kidnapped her last month. Am I correct?" Rick said.

"Yeah, This lady came up to her during our first show back in California, She claimed I wasn't doing a good enough job taking care of her, And that she would be a better parent for her. So before anyone could get her, She took off. But thankfully our crew tracked her down, And we got her back." Daddy said.

"Wow, Well I'm sorry sweetie that happened to you. But glad you're back!" Rick said to me.

"Thank you." I said shyly.

"Okay, Well that's it for this interview. Thanks guys for coming out, And good luck tonight at your show!"

"Thank you!" My uncles said.

"Well that was fun." Ashy said.

"Yeah, I agree." Daddy said. "Oh and Molly, Sorry they asked you some questions, I didn't know they would do that."

" It's okay daddy. It was fun!" I told him.

"Well glad you had fun!" Daddy said.

5 SOS adopted me? // M.C fan fic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora