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                 Michael's P.O.V

"Michael! I think the baby's coming!" I heard Rachel yell.

"Okay, Breathe honey. Let's get you to the car. Guys!! The baby coming! Meet us at the hospital!" I yelled.

"Okay! Guys! We have to meet daddy and mommy at the hospital. The baby's coming! Call grandma and grandpa!" Molly yelled.

"Don't worry Mike, We'll be there soon! And we'll get your parents to come too!" Cal said.

"Thanks guys! See you soon!" I said and took off with Rachel to the hospital.

We got her signed in and into the delivery room for her to have her baby.

"I'm right here honey. Just hold my hand." I told Rachel.

"I'm so scared, Michael!" She said.

"You're going to do great! Okay now get ready." I told her.

"Just relax Rachel your doing great! I can see the baby coming!" The nurse said. "Just about there, And she's here! Congrats guys!"

"She's beautiful, Rachel! And look she has your eyes!" I told her.

"She's amazing Michael. This is our baby!" Rachel said.

"She's going to be a great kid." I told her.

I got the family to see our baby shortly after she was born and they all said the same things I did. I could tell Molly loved seeing her because her face lit up after seeing her.

"I love her all ready! What's her name?" Molly asked.

"Hailey Rose Clifford"  Rachel said.

"That's a beautiful name guys!" Ash said.

"I love it!" Molly yelled.

When I saw how happy everyone looked after seeing her I knew that she's in a great family. She's going to love meeting everyone and she's going to be a great daughter.

             (End of book one)


Well guys, That's it for this book! I'm so happy to finish this one. Because I wanted to start on book two as soon as possible. So that's what I'm going to do.

I hope you guys liked this book, And I can't wait for you to read book two!

Thanks guys so much! 

xx Gretchen xx

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