Return from the war

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You were exhausted from the war but now it's over, you used most of your powers and had to rest to renew them. After a couple hours of sleep in the castle you go back to the tower to find it destroyed and no one around. "What the... hell? Where is everyone?" You look around everywhere no one was there and Jarvis wasn't responding or anything. You looked at blast marks on the wall like they looked like signs of a fight. You called all your friends to the tower so you can have help finding out what happened, Tech fixed Jarvis and showed us the footage. It showed that some Servantine took them but they did put up a fight but it didn't help them. You knew durning that war not all of them were fighting like usual, no wonder they took your love ones again. You where determined to not let what happened last time happen again you had to save them. You may of destroyed the boss and the very source of evil in all realms but they still want to go to war with you. You quickly go to a realm that was reduced to rubble from a war that happened there, you flew to the base where they was being hold captive. It took you a little while because this was the one time you ever flew in your life because your wing got healed when the curse was broken that prevented you from healing it. You storm in hurting everyone who got in your way which was all the servantine, you got to the prison cells and unlock them. You transported you and everyone back to the tower where it was clean because Flames girlfriend hates a mess so she cleaned it, you thought you should thank her later. "Never thought I would have to rescue you dad I always thought it be you saving me from something stupid."

"Don't start it (y/n)." You dad said sitting down

"But I love to start things dad. So how long were you captured?"

" only a day love." Loki comes over and sits by you he looked like he got hurt the worse. You healed everyone in the room like it was nothing. "Welcome back love." He kisses your cheek and hugs you.

"I was only gone for two months you know that right?"

"It was way too long (y/n), I missed you." He puts you on his lap and hugs you closer.

"I missed you too Loki but this is too much." He lets you go a little.

"Well it's good to be home." 

"It's good to have you (y/n)." You dad said as he ruffled your hair.

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