Chapter 1

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I watched her out of the corner of my eye. As the cheer team threw her in the air revealing more of her long luscious legs. As she landed in the arms of the girls I got a preview of what's under that skirt...shorts.

Kadence, unlike most girls, wears those little shorts she is meant to. As she laid in the arms of her friends, I watched her scan through the crowd. When her eyes reached mine they lingered there for a moment. I smirked at her which caused her to look away.
Walking to my car I thought to myself 'she's going to be mine!'

I wasn't meant to be going to the game but my step-brother is a football player and I am meant to be his ride home. You see I am doing this unwillingly because of an incident the other day.

After a big incident with my alarm clock this morning which resulted in it flying out of my window, I was late to class again for the fourth time this week and today was Thursday. Now back to my story I was late for class and only going to get later because I was taking my time.

As I passed the staffroom I noticed one of the teachers had left their coffee in the staffroom so I decided to check out the cup. The cup had Mr Winter's name on it and me and that all prune don't get along.

At first, I was going to leave the cup there but then I saw that it was full of milk, water and coffee. I decided I would do the whole school a favour and mix my own concoction. By that I mean I poured a shit load of salt into the mug. As I was mixing the salt in Miss Goody-Two-Shoes came walking in.

I asked, "which teacher are you fetching an apple for?"

Kadence shook her head at my lame attempt of teasing her "actually I came in here to get Mr Winter's coffee but I see you have done something to it?"

I smirked at her asking most nicely "no, no I just made myself a cup of coffee using his mug."

I handed the mug to her "he must need it more than I?"

Kadence let out a deep sigh "I know there is something wrong with it but he requested his mug none the less. Are you coming to class to watch this?"

I nodded my head "after you."

But before she could walk ahead of me I barged in front of her leading the way. I could just imagine her frowning from behind me.

When I got to class I opened the door so roughly the door hit the wall causing the whole class to jump in fright. Once I got a few words thrown at me by the teacher I made my way to the seat next to Kadence. I had my feet sat on the table looking at Mr Winter and Kadence in amusement.

I watched as the teacher brought the cup up to his mouth taking huge mouthfuls then all of a sudden he spat it everywhere going all over Kadence. From there I couldn't help the laughs that escaped my mouth. Kadence by now had thrown herself down in the desk next to me covered in coffee and salt. I could see she was unhappy with the new pattern in her white shirt she whispered/yelled at me "that was so mean and uncalled for."

Before I could respond Mr Winter had approached Kadence's desk "what is the meaning of this Miss Blighton?"

I could see she was socked for being called out on this she quickly answered not even looking over to me "I grabbed your coffee mug off the table and brought it into the classroom as you requested."

She smiled slyly at the teacher which lead me to comment "very kind of you Miss Blighton next time he should get it himself then or maybe add sugar instead of salt." I made it my job to emphasise on the word salt just to let him know I did it.

Mr Winter turned to face me, he yelled pointing a finger in my face "YOU! What you have done is disgusting 3 o'clock today you will be in this room for detention, you too Miss Blighton."

I smirked over at Kadence asking her "do you want me to bring us all coffee?"

She kindly smiled at me "yes please sugar instead of salt."

As I was leaving the room Kadence asked "are you going to turn up to detention?"

I shook my head "maybe, maybe not I am a very busy man, kitten."

At my little nickname I caused her cheeks to change pink "you should go it might be fun but I can't go for obvious reasons." Kadence pointed to her cheerleading bag.

Before I could respond to her comment, her boyfriend, my brother came up behind her wrapping her in his arms. He kissed her hair "hey Kade what are you doing with this delinquent?"

Kadence shook her head "don't be mean, your brother did me a favour in class I was thanking him."

My brother took a step towards me running his hand along his jaw "stay away from my girl or you won't like the outcome Cinnius." My brother started to pull Kadence way from me but still leaving me enough time to send a wink in her direction.

It was now the end of the day where you guessed it cheerleaders have practice and football practice. I was waiting at the gym for the cheerleaders to come out so I could go in. I knew Kadence likes to train after all the rest of the girl have gone. I came up behind her and sat on the stands.

After ten minutes Kadence was yet to acknowledge my presence so I asked her "why are you a cheerleader? You don't look like one."

Kadence innocently smiled at me "my mum was a cheerleader and so was her mum so it was expected of me."

I nodded my head scanning my eyes over her body. Unlike before when she was dressed in jeans and a tank top she now wore a training bra and spandex shorts. When she finally noticed I was checking her as she attempted to hide her body from me.

I sarcastically commented, "you know it's very cliche for you to date my brother!"

Kadence blushed bright red "I'm not dating your brother Cinn he just thinks he has some claim over me. He just assumed the captains automatically hook-up."

I laughed at her "you and Angel hooking-up, don't be funny I am surprised you can find his cock with the size of it."

Kadence smiled brightly at me taking a huge step forward "and what yours is 'big'?"

I smirked at her gently patting her on the head (more like brush my fingers through her hair) "you're catching on."

She took another step forward so now I had her body pushed up against mine "I have heard stories that say otherwise."

Straight away that smile was off my face "then they were with Angel, not me kitten."

Before Kadence could move I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her more firmly against my body. I ran my nose along her neck blowing out warm air. She whispered, "stop!"

I shook my head grinding my lower half into hers, I whispered "I bet you're wet in those shorts of yours."

I ran one of my hands down her back to her bum giving it a rough squeeze, I was about to bring my hand into the bottom of shorts when I heard my brother yell "baby are you in here?"

Kadence didn't respond so I decided to take the lobe of her ear into my mouth "tell him kitten that you're in here."

Kadence shook her head pulling out of my arms "I'll see you around Cinn."

I nodded my head at her back "see you around kitten."

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