Chapter 14

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I let out a deep breath getting ready to tell her what I really felt, but all that come out was "we should do something together tomorrow night!"

I heard Kade let out o low deep breath replying "why we hang out every night here almost?"

I pulled Kadence into my arms slowly running my nose down her cheek to her neck. I laid butterfly kisses down her neck to her collarbones gently sucking on them. I responded "because we always stay here, I want to take you somewhere different. You have to promise me to dress really nice."

She slowly nodded her head pulling her body away from mine. As I went to pull her into my arms she moved away saying "let's get some sleep then, you know where the shower is and your spare clothes."

I nodded my head making my way into the bathroom for a quick shower. Once I was finished I walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist. As I got some briefs out of my bag in her closet I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was looking away from me.

I pulled the briefs up against my legs followed by a pair of sweatpants. I crawled in bed behind her, pulling her into my arms. She groaned in response to me pulling her closer. I asked her "are you mad at me baby girl?"

She kept ignoring me she I cuddled my face into her neck saying "I'm sorry kitten, just please talk to me again."

She let out a deep breath "I am very angry at you, please go to sleep."

I shook my head against her neck saying "you should never go to bed angry, I want to clear the air."

Kade slowly nodded her head still not facing me, she huffed out "let's clear the air then!"

I placed a kiss behind her ear saying "I'm sorry for always being hot and cold, I guess I don't know what I want."

Kadence rolled over to face me saying "please figure that out before our date tomorrow. If you haven't got that figured out before the date then don't pick me up. Don't even bother calling or texting because I won't pick up. If you don't figure out what you want from me we are done...this friendship is over and whatever else we are."

I gently pecked her lips replying "okay then but I hope you know I will always share this bed with you, you help me sleep kitten."

I cuddled my face into his neck "I sleep better in your arms as well Cinner. Please don't make me lose you, I am so tired of your mood swings."

When I woke later the next morning Cinn was already gone but there was a note on my pillow.
My little kitten,
I hope to see you at six tonight, hopefully wearing the dress I picked hanging from your wardrobe door. Tonight I hope everything gets worked out when I see you. Till then Kadence.

I put the note back on my bedside table and I walked over to my wardrobe to look at the dress he had picked out for me. There hung a beautiful dress that always laid unused in my wardrobe. The dress had a peach bust with a black pattern and a black skirt. I already had in mind the shoes I had to match this outfit.

Who knew Cinnius had such great fashion sense. I looked over to the time to see I had six hours to get ready. I quickly hopped into the shower to wash myself and my hair. When I got out I dried my hair then I curled it into waves. I looked over to the time to see I still had four and a half hours before he arrives, if he arrives. I lightly applied my foundation followed with peach smokey eyes and a little bit of makeup. Once I got to my room I still had an hour to kill so I decided to watch some movies.

As I went to put in the third movie I changed over to the clock only to see I had fifteen minutes till he could arrive. I quickly ran to the dress whilst stopping from my sweatpants and singlet. As I stepped into the dress it felt amazing on my legs and my whole body, I can't wait for him to see me.

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