Chapter 19

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I stood at the front of a chapel waiting for the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. She was already fifteen minutes later, as it approaches twenty minutes I was beginning to get nervous.

Finally, the church music started playing and the doors opened and out walked my beautiful bride. She wore a huge elegant gown, the dress, her arms and her back were covered in a lace material I could wait to get her out of. Her hair was in a simple bun updo and to my request, her makeup was light and simple but she still made it look elegant.

The church was half empty since no immediate family attend due to all the aftermath of the engagement, only those that accept us as a couple long before anything. As she finally reached me I pulled her into her arms giving her a passionate kiss. As I kissed her I could hear the pastor telling us to save the kiss until the end but I couldn't wait.

As I pulled away I put my forehead against hers whispering "let us get this over with I want to take you home to bed, and fuck your brains out."

I could see as a scarlet red blush cover her cheeks at my vulgar terms but I also knew it was turning her on. The pastor went on blabbering, we said I do and our joint vows. Once we were pronounced Mr and Mrs Carter I pulled her into my arms dipping her down mouth fucking her.

As we walked down the aisle with our hand entwined we left with the sound of clapping. In groups, we all headed to the catering venue. It was beautiful, we were located near a lake, there were beautiful and colourful wildflowers scattered all around the vibrant fields. I took Kadences' hand in my leading her inside the building.

As we reached the table I pulled out her chair placing a kiss on her knuckles. I whispered to her "two hours Mrs Carter then I am taking you home, my love."

Kade nodded her head pulling me in for a kiss, she mumbled against my lips "okay husband."

As I went to kiss her again I was interrupted by my grandmother, she cleared her throat saying "I'm proud of you my baby, your grandfather would have been so proud and happy. I'm sorry I couldn't come to your high school graduation or the engagement party or when you dropped out of university to start your empire."

I wrapped my arms around grandma giving her a tight hug, I said "I miss him everyday Ma, I hope you would stay here for a while get to know my wife a lot better."

Grandma smiled adoringly at us replying "oh baby I know her, I know what you would write me in letters when you were a child, the calls you would make to me in your preteen years and the text I would receive later on in your life."

Kade shyly smiled at my grandmother embarrassed at how much I used to talk about her to everyone. I kissed ma's cheek before saying "I really do hope to see more of you tho."

Ma nodded her head walking away "of course you are my grandbaby."

I lifted my gorgeous bride out of the car and through the threshold of our house, neither of us wanted to waste money on flights or hotel rooms. As I went further into the house I continued to carry her until we reached our bedroom. I gently laid her on our bed, as I went to walk back out of the room I yelled "I'm going to get the champagne."

Kadence stopped me by saying "I can't drink it Cinn."

I turned to face her confused "why can't you drink it, baby, I promise you it's the best money can buy."

Kade still shook her head "I know it would be baby but I can't drink it because...we are expecting Cinnius. A baby, we are going to have a baby. I knew you wanted to wait, so did I but I found out last week."

Cinnius asked, "didn't you have a drink at the wedding rehearsal?"

I shook my head "it was apple juice, I had planned ahead so I didn't have to drink, your going to be a father Cinn."

I was in a moment of shock before snapping out of it, I pulled her into my arms placing my hand on her stomach. I whispered to her stomach "hi baby, hi daddies little baby."

Kadence cupped my cheek asking "are you happy about this, the baby?"

I nodded my head "of course baby, it happened sooner then I would have hoped but I am happy none the less. We are in a good place with my business and your studies are almost over, we are good."

He laid down on the bed with me asking "since you are pregnant does that mean we can't make love?"

Kade shook her head saying "I'm all yours Cinner, the doctor said that sex wouldn't hurt the baby, they are very durable."

Okay, guys, I have one chapter left and that is the EPILOG I hope you have enjoyed this book, it has been one of my favourites to write. Please do check out my other works they aren't as long but still decent.
I would also like to thank KG535543  for her second editing and the
occasional help when I needed plot suggestions.


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