Chapter 17

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When I got home that night mum and dad were already in bed, straight away I knew mum was angry. I also knew why she was angry, she figured out I had gone to see Cinn. After I figured everyone was already in bed I just mad my way upstairs to my room.

I slowly approached my bedroom closet the tension building in my stomach. As I opened my wardrobe there laid on the floor was a black bag. I crouched down to the bag opening it. Inside the bag were singlets and sweatpants. I pulled a shirt out of the bag breathing in Cinn's shirt.

Before I could even think clearly I ran back downstairs and drove back to the hospital. As I got to Cinn's room his dinner plate was long discarded and the TV was playing. I gently knocked on his room door walking through the threshold. I said "I should have believed you, your clothes were in my closet. I'm sorry I don't...I don't know what is the truth anymore."

Cinn slowly nodded his head saying "my phone is at the front desk can you get it for me."

I nodded my head going to retrieve it for him. As I handed him his phone he opened up photos handing me the phone. There were images of us lounging around in what looked like my room. There were all kinds of us cuddling and goofing around or just him showing off his body. I asked, "I thought I didn't like you to be topless?"

Cinn laughed nodding his head "you didn't but it doesn't mean I didn't always hang around you topless, I always loved your cute little blush that would take over."

I nodded my head asking "why don't they want us together, our parents I mean they told me I was with Angel?"

Cinn patted the bed beside him telling me to sit beside him. As I sat next to him he pulled me down so I was laying beside him. He responded "because our parents think they can do better than me, I knew you could do better than me but I was selfish and you were selfless. We worked and they didn't get that, at first we were friends so we used that as an excuse but then we started kissing and making out and that excuse got harder to use."

I nodded my head "when didn't we stop being friends and start being more?"

Cinn shrugged his shoulders responding "I guess when we started kissing but we both denied it, me more then you, we then started making out more frequently and it got harder to deny you asked me to decide if I cared enough to be with you. But I came through in the end and took you on a date although I was a bit late you still waited."

He took the ends of my hair twirling it around his finger, I turned to face him making him drop the hair he was once holding. He copied me turning to also face me, placing his hand on my cheek cradling it. I whispered, "why can't I remember us, we sounded complicated."

He smiled at me letting out a gently laugh "we were complicated but that was us, we fought so hard to be together."

I nodded my head gently running my hand over his cheek, around to his chin then down to his neck then back up again. He asked, "I haven't had to do this for a long time but can I kiss you, not for long just a little peck or if you want you can kiss me I won't mind."

Slowly I leant into him placing my lips onto of him, the kiss was as light as a feather, it was just a brush. As I pulled away my nose brushed against his. I whispered "I remember being pinning you against my bed. I mean I was straddling you holding your hands down, we were laughing. I leant down brushing my lips against yours slowly at first then I got rougher."

Cinn nodded his head "then my mum caught us and called you downstairs to talk. You defended me then I invited myself to your house and we hung out some more, if I remember correctly..."

I finished his sentence "you stayed the night with me in my bed."

Cinn nodded his head saying again what I had just said "I stayed the night with you in your bed, that should really be ours I have stayed in it just as much as you."

I quickly kissed him again murmuring over his lips "I remember Cinn, not much but I remember some things."

       Cinnius's POV
I pulled Kade into my arms holding her close to me, it was hard to believe at first she forgot. I was honestly waiting for her to tell me it was all a joke. As soon as she told me that Angel was her boyfriend.

As I cheerfully kissed her I knew it was too good to be true, I heard a clearing of a throat in my doorway. As Kadence pulled away from me she looked over to the door, there stood Angel. He said, "wow brother trying to steal my very own girlfriend?"

I shook my head saying "wow brother really, me trying to steal your girlfriend. I do remember her being with me before the accident. I didn't know that if I fell asleep that my brother would just swoop in."

Angel smiled at me saying "that's what brothers are for."

Kadence spoke up "no that's not what brothers do or mothers for that matter. They were meant to be supportive and protective but you are all neither. I can't believe you lied to me and my mother lied to me. I suggest you get out of this room now and don't come back until you are willing to be a good brother."

As Angel walked out the door I asked "stay with me tonight?"

She nodded her head climbing under the blankets cuddling into my chest. Kade whispered into my ear "I love you Cinner."

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