Chapter 20 Epilogue

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Along eight months and Two weeks after our wedding Kade and I welcomed a new addition into our life, our little boy whom we named Johnny Blighton Carter. He's a gorgeous little boy and so tiny in the arms of his father.

Kade's mum tried to be present for the birth but she didn't want her there, I guess I could understand why. Although her mother wasn't there I was present for the full twenty hours. My baby girl did so well to have my son and only had the epidural towards the end.

Today I get to bring my little boy home, as well as my wife. We didn't have any celebrations planned as a welcome home but I did have my grandmother coming over to visit her great-grandson.

My grandmother was delighted when she first held him that brought us so many stories from when I was a baby it had Kade cooing every moment. As my grandmother and Kade chattered away I took John upstarts to put him to bed.

I sat down in the rocking chair that we had purchased after we came home from the honeymoon. I started to talk to him "daddy's little boy, I am so happy you are here. I am so glad you and your mother are healthy. For months I have waited to hold you and now it feels unreal. I want to tell you a secret...I want at least ten of your mother and I just don't tell her."

I then got up and put him into his cot for a sleep, once I walked down the stairs I could still the laughter of my wife and grandmother. I sat down next to Kade cuddling my face into her neck, I whispered "thank you."

Kade smiled at me in return then she pecked my nose, then turned back to my grandmother finishing their cooing of me as a baby.


Two years after having our son Kadence and I had a daughter Mackenzie Rachel Carter she was just as small as Johnny if not smaller. She was one of the most precious things we had ever seen. She was a copy of Kade except she had my eyes and hair, I knew I would have to keep the boys away from her.

After her, we swore we weren't going to have any more kids but a month after Mackenzie, Kadence fell pregnant again. This time around she fell pregnant with twins.

Timothy Gray Carter, a son born healthy and screaming and then five minutes later we had another girl Charlotte Marie Carter. We now had a family of our own as well as half a soccer team but we were happy.

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