Chapter 9

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I walked through my front door quietly opening it, then quietly closing it behind me being careful not to slam it behind me. As I quietly walked to the staircase taking it one step at a time. When I reached the top I went to rush to my room but a hand kept me from entering.

Mum forcefully smiled at me saying "honey leave that bright girl alone, she can and will do a lot better than you."

I yanked my hand out of her grasp taking a step back I gritted out "Kadence and I are friends mum nothing you need to worry about."

She unconvincingly nodded her head taking a step back allowing me to walk into my room. I slowly closed it then I leant against it letting out a deep sigh. As I looked up stood in front of me was my brother and in his hands was a baseball bat.

                                                        ***Next Morning at School***
I slowly brought my singlet over my bruised body and down my chest, I painfully pulled up my dark washed jeans coving the dark coloured bruising on my legs then covering my singlet with a flannelette shirt doing up a middle button. I finished off with putting some airmax's on my feet. I ran down the stairs collecting the rest of my gear running out the door hopping in my car for the short journey to school.

When I got there school was already in session and I knew I needed to throw in some tardies this week or my rep will be ruined. As I walked into Mr Winter's classroom I let the door once again hit the wall wanting a reaction from him which I did. After his mouthful of insults and snide remarks, I sat down at my desk next to Kadence.

She pulled out her phone texting me 'you right?'

I nodded my head in her direction in response which caused her texting to ask 'did he hurt you?'

I let out a deep loud sigh whisper yelling at her "why do you always ask stupid questions when you know the answer? And if you don't like the answer why do you asking the stupid question?"

I could see she was obviously upset with the look that flashed over her face. Before she could respond Mr Winter came over to us yelling "I have almost had enough of you two, so I have come to a great conclusion. Both of you get the hell out of my classroom now and go up to the principals' office NOW!"

I grabbed my bag rushing out of the room and towards to male change rooms that I knew was empty at this time of the morning. I walked over to the mirrors slowly lifting my shirt taking a look at the hideous bruises that now covered my skin. I know I have a few broken ribs but the rest is just bruising I hope.

As I went to pull my shirt down Kadence took steps closer to me she asked "why didn't you come home with me?"

I let go of my shirt letting it fall back down my body, I turned to face her replying "if I didn't go home last night kitten it would have been a lot worse then what I received."

She sadly smiled at me asking "can we report it, why haven't you reported it? That looks so bad Cinn what happens if there is something internal going on?"

I sadly shrugged my shoulder whispering "then things will be worse because I got golden boy locked up."

Kade was now standing in front of me gripping the bottom of my shirt, she asked "can I see the damage he has done?"

I slowly nodded my head answering "not here I don't want anyone walking in."

Kade nodded at me walking away "my house is empty today both parents are at work, let's go."

We now stood in Kadence's bedroom with her slowly undressing me. She started by dragging my flannelette down my arms letting it drop to my feet. She asked "any on your legs?"

I slowly nodded my head again answering her "not many but there is no damage there."

She nodded her head asking "can you lift your arms up for me?"

Slowly I lifted my arms up high enough for her to get the singlet off my body. I heard the obvious gasp that left her mouth with the tears that weld in her eyes. I whispered "not that bad kitten."

She shook her head allowing a few tears to fall down her cheeks, slowly she brought her hand to my stomach gently running her hand over old scars and light bruising up to the new darker bruises. Kade asked, "why have I never noticed all of these scars before?"

I placed my hand on her hip pulling her into my chest I said "because you never wanted to look and when you were looking I would hide the worst of it all."

Kade tearfully nodded her head "I'm sorry."

I shook my head kissing her forehead "you never have to be sorry kitten, you aren't the one doing all of this."

Kade gently forced me to lay on her bed whilst she went downstairs to grab ice packs to help to swelling and bruising to go do down. When she got back she had a pile in her hands. She sat down beside me pressing her lips to the bruise on my lower stomach, then she placed a nice pack there. She then brought her lips to the lower half of the right side of my ribs gently kissing me there, she then laid an ice pack there. She then did the same to the left side and the back of the neck.

Then she laid down beside me gently cuddling into my side she asked "do you want to stop being friends, so he leaves you alone?"

I looked at her, I could see the tears in her eyes waiting to fall, I responded "no kitten that would then be giving him what he wants."

Kade nodded her head "good I was starting to get used to having you around."

I kissed Kadence's temple replying "same here kitten, same here."

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