chapter one

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authors note – hi! this is my very first story so please go easy on me. i've been wanting to write something like this for a while now and hopefully you guys like it. louis tops in this, just saying. anyways, enjoy! p.s. the chapters will get longer.

Harry sat in a booth, legs crossed and his hair falling on his shoulders beautifully. A cup of coffee sat on the table along with a six inch long donut, and his cellphone with a few notifications from his fitness app. He was sitting there peacefully reading one of his favorite books, The Maze Runner. He was reading it again because he wanted to imagine Thomas as Dylan O'Brien now. He thought he was the hottest man alive, and a lot of people could agree. As he turned the page to the next chapter, Louis walked through the door, a snapback placed on his head, his fringe peaking out slightly. He also had on a maroon tank and skin tight black jeans that showed off his bum very nicely, along with a pair of vans.

He made his way up to the counter, tapping his knuckles on the granite as he ordered a small iced coffee. His go-to order. He had planned on leaving to go back to his apartment a few blocks away until he spotted Harry reading in the two seated booth. The two of them had never seen each other, ever, so of course he had to introduce himself. A smirk fell upon his lips as he watched the man take a small sip from his coffee, his lips red and pouty. "Jesus," Louis hissed seeing him take a bite of his donut which wasn't regularly shaped, it was long and had white drizzle covered over it.

Louis walked up to him after getting his iced latte then slid into the seat opposite of him causing Harry to get choked on his mouthful of food. "Hello, babe." Louis smirked offering him a napkin, which Harry took cautiously. He loved the effect he already had on this little boy. (He's not little, he's 21.) Who is this guy? Harry thought as he wiped off the white mess from his lips. "Hi?" He muttered confused to why this boy was talking to him. "I'm Louis, and you are?" Louis smiled, he had always been upfront and confident with everything, unlike Harry. He was an awkward mess of anxiety. "Harry.." He mumbled quietly looking down at his book when Louis spoke up again. Harry hated making eye contact with people and would do anything to avoid it, especially from this boys eyes. "Pretty name." Louis knew he was going to win this boy over. It would be so easy, too easy. "Thanks," Harry blushed, his cheeks growing a hot red from the compliment.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." Louis said with dominance laced in his voice causing Harry to snap his head up and look at him. "It's not polite to ignore someone." He added with a tsk then placed a hand under his chin. "I-I-I wasn't ignoring you.. I just–" Louis cut him off because he knew he didn't have an answer so he just helped the poor boy out. "You're just intimidated by me, is that it?" Louis' lips were in a small smirk during the whole conversation and Harry had no idea what to do. He had never been in a situation like this before. What was he supposed to say? "Um.. No, I'm just no. I was... Okay, listen. I'm not used to people, attractive people coming up to me, okay?" Harry huffed feeling flustered with it all. With Louis and how he's treating him. Louis hummed in response and took another sip from his coffee through the straw, then biting down on it before placing it back on the table.

"I see. So, you think I'm hot?" Louis said and Harry widened his eyes as he wiped off the sweat of his palms on his jeans. "I didn't say that." He stuttered, his face was red and it was very hot. Hopefully he wouldn't have an anxiety attack, they don't happen often, but it could. "I think you meant it though." He winked causing Harry to gulp harshly and look back down at his lap. "Why are you talking to me?" Harry finally decided to speak up for himself because he was honestly curious as to why he was speaking to him. "I think you're cute." Louis shrugged like it was nothing but damn, it was the most compliments Harry had received all month! "Oh," he murmured as he face had a glowing tint to it. "Can I have your number?" Louis asked quirking up an eyebrow already knowing he had him wrapped around his finger. "Um, sure." Harry said cautiously hesitant to type his number into the man's iPhone.

"Thanks, babe." Louis winked and stood up from the booth then leaned down, his mouth right beside Harry's ear. Jesus Christ. Harry's heart was thumping against his chest so heavily he was worried Louis might hear. "I'll call you later, princess." He whispered into his ear, his cool breath causing shivers to form on Harry's milky skin. "O-o-okay." Harry stuttered as Louis brushed a curly lock away from his neck then placed a delicate kiss to the area. "Shit," Harry gasped quietly and Louis chuckled under his breath then sashayed out of the small bakery with his empty cup on the table.

What the fuck just happened?

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