chapter six

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author's note: hope you enjoy this! :) sorry for not posting recently.. but I'm back! I've been super busy with my family and I haven't been able to sit and write, but hopefully I can now.

"Louis! You've been asleep for hours! Are you alive in there?" Niall asked through the locked door as Louis laid in bed contemplating his entire life, after he had woken up only three minutes ago. "Yes, Neil, I'm alive!" He hollered back and let out a frustrated sigh. Why was he best friends with him? "Alright, someone's here to see you by the way." Niall chirped with a cheeky smile set on his face. He knew he would get up now. "He'll be out in just a moment." Niall told Harry as he patiently sat on the couch with a shy smile. "Okay, thank you." He managed to spit out then focus back on the carpeted flooring.

Louis quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on a pair of clean sweats, along with a shirt he had for years now. He honestly didn't have time to freshen up, so he gargled some mouthwash then spit it in the sink before heading out to see Harry.

"Hi, why are you here so early?" Louis asked with a quirked up eyebrow. He's been sleeping all day, he doesn't realize it's almost three o'clock. "Early? It's almost three, silly." Harry smiled while shaking his head in amusement. He can't believe how late he slept in. "Oh." Louis said dumbfounded while sitting down beside Harry. The cute little minx. "We should do something, since it's Saturday." Harry smiled placing his hand on Louis' thigh causing him to sort of relax, honestly. "Like what?" Louis smiled as he stared at the boy's perfect face, with his beautiful emerald eyes and amazing, pink lips, along with his stunning, long hair. He could be a model. "Um.. Maybe a picnic?" Harry smiled, his eyes lighting up at his own idea. He hasn't had a picnic in forever. Well, about a year maybe.

"Sounds great, love."

Louis smiled and kissed Harry's forehead causing the younger boy to blush immensely. He was growing strong feelings for Louis, in the one month he's known him. It's crazy how fast you can love someone. Louis was beginning to like Harry, but not as much as Harry did with him. It would become mutual, soon.

"This place is so beautiful." Harry sighed contently holding onto the picnic basket as Louis placed a blanket down on the grass. "Yeah." Louis smiled as he sat down waiting for Harry to do the same. "Maybe we can go see some dogs over there." Harry smiled pointing at the section where people could take their dogs to play. "Yeah." Louis wasn't in the greatest mood for some reason, even though he should be because he's with Harry. The best person alive. "I really want to get a dog,  honestly. But I have no idea what kind to get. I feel like maybe a dachshund because they're so adorable, but also maybe a corgi, I'm not sure." Harry rambled on and Louis paid no attention and it made him upset because he really enjoyed being with him, so what was wrong?

"Lou? Are you okay?" Harry asked concerned as he wiped his mouth, the little bit of grape jelly stuck to his bottom lip. "Yeah, go on." Louis smiled and took a small bite of his ham and cheese sandwich. "Okay. Do you want a dog?" Harry smiled chewing on the sandwich. "Um.. Maybe. It depends. If it was a German Shepard or a.. Husky then yes." Louis smiled and popped a chip in his mouth before staring out at the sky. The sun was setting and the the sky was a beautiful purple/pink color making it even more peaceful and happy. "Oh. Huskies are adorable!" Harry giggles and takes a sip oh his apple juice. "Especially the puppy ones." Harry smiled and sat his cup down and leaned forward to adjust himself.

For the next twenty minutes it was silent, both of them taking in the beauty around them. "I feel like something's up with you." Harry quirked an eyebrow as he broke the long silence. "I don't know. Maybe." Louis shrugged because he didn't really want to talk about his feelings. He wasn't that kind of person. He kept to himself most of the time and liked it that way.

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