chapter five

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author's note: hey, I really hope you guys like this chapter. I've been so busy this week because I'm homeschooled and I'm trying to get things done asap, so yeah, I'll try to update more often. I know in that picture the person doesn't have a penis, but just pretend, okay? p.s. This is super smutty ;)

"I really need a job," Dinah sighed as she looked through a makeup catalog making herself sad that she couldn't afford it all. "You could work with me." Harry suggested with a bright smile, but she only shrugged because honestly she didn't want to work at a clothing store, she wanted a real job that made good money. (Stripper) "Oh, uh, but most jobs need a degree.." Harry mumbled and he was right, and she knew it too. She had to go to college to even want a decent job. "Yeah, but I don't know." She shook her head and tossed the magazine in the trash bin before resting her head in her hands. "I can't keep living like this, Harry. I'm fucking poor." She whined with tears in her eyes because she never wanted her life to be like this. "Dinah, you can still get ahold of yourself. Go to college, get a good job, make a lot money and fuck hot guys." Harry said with a wide smile on his lips because he thought he gave her great advice. I mean, it wasn't bad, but still. Dinah let out a small giggle and wiped her tears. "I'll think about it." She sighed and looked down at her phone.

"Do you think I should call Louis?" Harry asked as he waited for a text from the older lad, but it was nine at night, he was most likely asleep. Hah, no. "I mean, if you want. I gotta go anyways so you two talk and have fun." Dinah cringed rethinking about what she just said. Have fun? Anyone could interpret that as phone sex, except Harry. "Alright, I'll see you later." Harry smiled and waved her goodbye as she walked out, locking the door behind her. Harry continued to sit on the couch biting his lip as he stared intensely as Louis' number. It was haunting him. "I'll just give him a quick call. If he doesn't answer, he's asleep..?" Harry sighed and shook his head. Louis is not sleeping, it's too early for him, but he is probably busy. He quickly clicked on the call button and put him on speaker then closed his eyes. Please answer. He begged a few times before Louis finally picked up. "Hello?" Harry widened his eyes and almost started freaking out, but he quickly calmed himself down.

"Hi, Louis." He said lightly as he held his knees to his chest, why was he so nervous? It's just Louis. "Oh, hey babe, how're you?" Louis smiled thinking about him. Honestly, he was starting to get feelings for this boy, and it scared him.. a lot. "I'm good, you?" Harry's face was red just from talking to him. Was that normal? "Good, super bored though." Louis sighed and ran a hand through his perfectly styled hair. "Me too," Harry mumbled wondering about having phone sex, which he has never done before, but how hard could it be? "Hm." Louis raised an eyebrow imagining Harry touching himself right now.

"How about we change that, okay?" Louis smirked locking his bedroom door then plopping back down on the bed. This is it! Harry thought then smiled brightly as he nodded, even though Louis could not see him. "Yeah–Yes." He stuttered out as he patiently waited for Louis to say something else. "Take off your clothes for me, okay babe?" Louis asked already having his sweats on the floor, he was definitely prepared. "Yes, daddy." He knows how to turn him on, and he fucking loves it.

Harry quickly peeled off his clothes then climbed under the covers to get comfortable. "So, Harry, how was work today?" Louis asked knowing exactly what he was doing, making Harry frustrated, sexually that is. "Oh, um, it was good..." Harry drug out as he furrowed his eyebrows. Where's the phone sex? "That's good. Did you try anything on there?" Here it is. "No, I'm not allowed to. I mean I could when I'm done working, but I didn't." Harry mumbled quickly because he was sweating and way too nervous about this situation. "Do you have anything you could wear right now?" Louis asked and Harry started choking, which almost ended up in him dying, but it wasn't his time just yet. "Uh.. Yeah." Harry whispered staring at the outfits in his closet. "Put one on for me, yeah?" Oh god help. "Oh, okay. Hold on a sec." Harry said biting on his lip nervously as he got up and quickly looked through his garments. "Ah. No, not that one. Eh, no. What? Why do I have this?" Louis could hear him as Harry tried to find something, which he thought was too cute. It honestly made him chuckle a bit from Harry struggling to put on the outfit.

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