chapter thirteen

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author's note: does anyone else feel sad sometimes because they're single? is that just me? probably. ugh, I need a daddy :(

Harry stood in front of the mirror, his face close to his reflection as he applied nude pink lipstick to his bottom lip. It had to be perfect, or their wasn't any point of wearing it. "You're taking forever." Dinah informed with a hand on her hip. "I know," He shrugged and let out a small giggle at the end which caused Dinah to roll her eyes, in a playful way. "He's going to be here at eight, right?" She asked again even though she knew what time he was coming, she just wanted to make sure Harry knew the time. "Yep, it's only 7:40, Dinah." He said and popped the tube of lipstick into his small makeup bag. He didn't wear too much, even though he loved it, but what would other people think?

"Do I look okay?" He asked nervously as he played with the hem of his shirt. He had on a loose croptop, dark blue jeans, and a pink bomber jacket. Along with his infamous black boots he adored. "Harry, really? You look like you could steal anyone's man." She laughed and Harry blushed with a smile, both dimples appearing. "Well, thanks." He said and looked back in the mirror, turning to see his bum clearly. "My butt is getting bigger." He smirked and she just let out a laugh. "I wish mine was." She said then smacked his butt causing them both to laugh at each other.

As their laughing died down, their was a knock on the front door. "He's early." Harry stated as he pulled on his shoes and Dinah went to answer the door. "Hi, I'm Dinah!" She greeted cheerfully and let him inside the apartment. "I'm Louis." He smiled and gave her a warm hug, just to be polite. "He's putting on his shoes, he'll be right out." She smiled taking in his appearance. A nice pair of black jeans and a loose white tee, and his favorite pair of vans, the red ones. "Oh my god," Louis muttered in awe as Harry waltzed out of his bedroom looking like a model. Even Dinah was gawking at the boy. "You look so.. so beautiful, Harry." Louis was awestruck by his amount of beauty. Pretty porcelain skin and such a stunning smile. He was so goddamn lucky. "Thanks, Lou." He blushed looking down at his boots, then back at Louis who was smiling at him.

"God, I need to date someone." Dinah groaned watching them smile fondly over one another. The two laughed then Harry wrapped an arm around her. "You'll find someone, babe." He smiled and kissed her cheek sweetly. "Thanks, H. Well, you guys have fun, and have a lot of sex!" She said and Louis just laughed, while Harry blushed wildly. "Which one of you tops? Louis, I bet it's you." She winked and he just shrugged with a smirk. "Oh whatever! You guys go have fun!" She laughed and pushed them out the door. "Bye Harry, Bye Louis!" She jumped waving at them as they got into the elevator, both of them waving back.

"She's nice." Louis smiled over at Harry and he nodded. "Yeah, I love her." He said grabbing Louis' hand with his. "Tonight is going to be so much fun, Lou." He sighed happily and leaned his head onto Louis' shoulder. God, he was so happy, the happiest he's been in a while. "I know, Haz, I'm so excited, baby." He smiled and kissed his cheekbone, curls brushing past his lips. Soon as they got out of the apartment building and into the car, they were off to dinner.

"Wow, this place is wonderful Louis!" Harry gazed in awe as they walked inside the small, yet fancy restaurant. It had circular, wooden tables with silk table clothes and vanilla scented candles on them. "I know. All for my baby." Louis smiled gripping his hand and following the waitress who was leading them to a table. "I'll be right with you." She smiled and walked away, swaying her hips without realizing she was. "Louis, I can't get over this. It's so.. beautiful babe. Thank you." He was such an emotional person, but that's just one thing Louis loved about him.

"You're so welcome, love." He smiled fondly and Harry just blushed then looked over the menu. He was deciding on what to get, but he was so distracted by his hot date sitting in front of him. "Have you guys decided what you'll be having?" The woman, Helen, said the name tag, smiled at the couple then pushed back a strand of red hair from her face. She had natural red hair, you could tell, and Harry thought it was so beautiful. "Yes, I think so." Louis grinned and ordered a plate of chicken parmigiana and Harry had got some shrimp and chicken alfredo. One of his favorite dishes.

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