chapter eleven

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author's note: I felt sad in this chapter, but it has some fluff in it so yay!

Louis quickly pulled on his shoes not caring if he didn't have a shirt on and only sweats. His baby was in danger and he had to help, no matter the circumstances.

It only took him ten minutes to get to Harry's place, but it was still longer than what he wanted. He wish he could've flied down here in a minute, but that would be impossible.

"Harry, shit, what happened?" He saw his apartment door open and things were scattered all over the place. Harry sat on the ground, nose bleeding and bruises forming onto his face. Louis was about to cry from seeing the state his baby was in, but he didn't. He didn't want Harry to freak out even more than he already was. "A guy, he-he-he hurt me. He was looking for you." He sobbed into Louis' chest as he held him on the floor.

It's all my fault.

He thought as he stroked Harry's hair leaving soft kisses on his forehead and temples. "Lou, I'm tired." He yawned with his eyes closed and Louis didn't blame him. He had just gotten beat up, of course he was tired. "Let's get you to bed then." Louis quietly said with a delicate smile then proceeded to pick up Harry as carefully as he could.

As Louis laid him down he could already hear the soft, small snores coming from his open mouth. It was cute honestly, to Louis. He kicked off his shoes and pulled Harry's off as well then climbed into bed with his poor baby, and wrapped the blankets around them. They were safe now, hopefully.

It was around five when they woke up again, but it didn't matter. Harry needed the rest after what had happened earlier today. "Babe, are you okay?" Louis asked softly as he ran his fingers through Harry's long locks of hair. "I think so. I'm just a bit scared really." He pouted as he played with his fingers, fidgeting nervously. "Do you remember what the man looked like?" Louis asked hoping Harry had an answer, which he did. "Um, yeah. He had long blonde hair, longer than mine. And his eyes were very dark, almost black! And-and he was taller around 6'4 maybe. He was so scary with tons of tattoos more than mine and yours put together." His hands shook as he talked about this dangerous man in total fear. "Oh, what did he say?" Louis asked as he gripped onto Harry's shaky hands. He was terrified because he didn't want that scary man coming back for him, or Louis. He really didn't want him to get Louis.

"He said that he wants to meet you. He needs to discuss things with you.. I think. I don't understand why he couldn't ask nicely, Lou. I was nice to him!" Harry whined and dug his head into Louis' warm, toned chest. God, what was he going to do?

That night Louis had stayed with Harry just in case this sociopath came back for him. He also drove Harry to work the next day because he was just an overprotective boyfriend who loves Harry, okay? No big deal. (I want someone to be overprotective of me *sigh*)

"Babe, be careful, have a good day." Louis kissed Harry's forehead then his lips which tasted like the sweetest fruit known to mankind. "I will. Bye Lou." He smiled a toothy, white grin then hopped out of the car and proceeded to go inside the mall where he worked. Now it was time for Louis to find this little bitch who hurt his boyfriend.

It was around four when Louis finally found who he was looking for. He spotted him at an Irish pub downtown which wasn't a surprise actually. He seemed like the type to have a few drinks during the day. He didn't want to waste anytime by waiting in the car like a pussy, so he went inside and confronted him.

"Hey, man. Were you looking for me?" Louis smirked as he sat down on a barstool beside the man. "Huh? Oh! Shit. Yeah." He looked like he could slit Louis' throat open at any moment. He didn't even know this dude, so why would he want to kill him? "Yeah? Why?" Louis questioned as he raised an eyebrow and picked up a glass of scotch. "You're Louis' Tomlinson. Jameson's son, right?" He raised his eyebrows and took a drink of his beer. How did he even know who his dad was? "Uh, yeah, why?" Louis questioned because he was getting kind of creeped out at this point. How does he know who my dad is? What the fuck?

"Because I'm your brother." He smirked and Louis was about to lose his shit. Brother? No one had ever told him about a brother! He's the only child, so when the hell did he get a brother? "No. Fuck no." He grimaced as he slammed his drink on the table. This man was just bullshitting him, he had to be. What would be the reasonable explanation for this?! "It's true, big bro." Big bro? He's my little brother?

"No! I'm not believing this shit." Louis got off the barstool and headed towards the main entrance. "Why not?" The man came back with a wretched smile on his face as he followed Louis outside. "Because! I'm just not. How can I believe you? You fucking beat the shit out of my.. friend!" He didn't want to say boyfriend. Who knows what this man would say, even though Louis didn't really care. He just didn't feel like being called a faggot right now. "I know you two are dating. He told me. I'm not judging, I'm gay too." He shrugged and Louis just rolled his eyes because what the actual fuck? "Of course he did." He mumbled as he crossed his arms over his heaving chest. "He's cute too. A plump arse and a great pair of lips for sucking–"

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Louis screamed at him as he pushed him onto the ground. "Don't talk about him like that!" He yelled, spit flying from his mouth and onto the other man's face. "Geez, get off." He said in annoyance, not even scared at the fact that Louis was about to kill him. "Just, don't talk about him like that. He's mine, got it?" Louis said, his face set in a frown and the other guy just shrugged.

"Oh, I'm Colten, by the way." He smirked wickedly as he held out one of his rough, tanned hands. "I don't care," Louis shoved past Colten and walked towards his car. "Dad said your mom was a bitch. Now I see where you got it from." This man was pushing Louis' last buttons and it was getting to the point where Louis was about to flip his shit.

"You know what?! Fuck you!" Louis roared and pushed him back on the ground then proceeded to punch him in the face a couple of times. He almost thought he wasn't going to stop, but he did when he heard Colten pleading for mercy, and because his hand was beginning to cramp up. "My mom is not a bitch. You haven't even met her." Louis spat and stormed over to his car, sticking the key into the ignition, then speeding off down the street, the tires screeching behind him.

As Louis drove through down, he was fuming inside. His eyebrows were knitted together, his lips in an angered frown, and his forehead wrinkles were showing. He needed to smoke and now. And not cigarettes either. He's talking about the good shit. Weed.

"Thank you so much, bro." Louis sighed in relief as Zayn handed him a joint carefully. "No problem." He smiled lightly and sat back in the couch while taking a long drag from his own joint. "God," Louis exhaled the smoke from his mouth and laid back beside Zayn. "I can't believe I have a brother, like what the fuck? How did I not know about him?" Louis shook his head in disbelief. How could his brother not come up in any conversations? Why were they not wanting them to meet each other? He was beyond confused and needed to talk to his dad as soon as possible. "Yeah, that's messed up." Zayn chuckled and took another hit from the joint.

"I know." Louis sighed and continued to smoke the lovely drug. It was one of the best stress relievers, besides sex, but Harry wasn't here to help with that so weed will have to do. "I need to talk to my dad, so I'm gonna go. Thanks again, Z, for the joint. I really needed it." Zayn was a good friend for giving him some free weed. Most people wouldn't do that. Their dope was a precious thing, but Zayn loved his friend and he definitely needed this. "No problem, man. See you later." He smiled with a wave as Louis headed out of the apartment door.

Louis took his time walking down to his car, twirling his keys in his hand and fishing out his phone from his back pocket. It was time to confront his dad.

author's note: this one isn't as nice as the other chapters, but it was needed. anyways, this will be my last update for a while probably. a few weeks maybe. :( I'm sorry guys. I might be able to update before that, I don't know. well.. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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