chapter four

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authors note: omg may 14th I met Dan and Phil! What?? omg it was amazing. They smelled so good.. is that weird? Oh well. Also, I'm going to be seeing Fifth harmony August 21st and I'm so excited to meet them!! I love them so much!

The week had come and gone and it was finally Saturday night, the night where Dinah and Harry were heading to a bar downtown to just let loose and have some fun.

"Harry, I'll be back, gotta use the ladies room." Dinah giggled while walking towards the back where the restrooms were. Harry was now all alone and he hated that, especially being around people he didn't know. While he waited leaning against a wall pretending to text on his cellphone, a broad-shouldered man walked up to him. "Hey, babe. Why are you all alone?" He asked with a pretty nice tone so Harry didn't seem too scared by the much taller stranger. "Oh, I'm just waiting for my friend." Harry smiled lightly at him and then back at his phone. "Hm, well, how about we go dance?" He asked, a devilish smile was set perfectly on his lips, but Harry didn't even notice. "Um.. No, I'm alright, thanks." He smiled back wishing this man would go away and find someone else to prey on. Harry was just a little, naive boy, he doesn't know when people are trying to get into his pants, he just assumes they're being nice.

"Aw, why not baby?" Danny, the man, frowned hoping Harry would feel guilty and dance, but Harry wasn't going to. Danny was such a terrible person, but only a few people knew that. "I'm waiting for my friend." Harry shrugged again getting tired of telling him. "You don't even have a friend, do you?" Danny laughed getting closer which scared Harry honestly. "Yes I do, leave me alone." He whined stepping away from him. "Hey! He said to leave him alone, okay?" Dinah stepped in pushing the much stronger man away causing him to just stumble back a bit. "Are you his girlfriend?" Danny quirked an eyebrow and Dinah pushed him some more. "Get away from him!" She yelled, Danny rolled his eyes and mumbled something that neither of them could hear before heading to the back. "Hey, are you alright?" Dinah frowned softly placing her hands on his shoulders to calm him down a bit.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine." Harry muttered not feeling like partying anymore. That man had ruined his night. He wished he could of stood up for himself instead of Dinah protecting him, but that's what friends are for right? "You sure? We can leave if you want." Dinah smiled and Harry shook his head, he didn't want to be a party pooper, even though she would never think he was, but still. "Okay.. Well, let's go get some drinks." And that was all Harry could remember.

"What the?" Harry grumbled peeking open as he heard his cellphone blaring beside him. Who the hell would call at.. two pm? It's already two?! Yeah, he didn't fall asleep until five because him and Dinah were partying until three so you know how it goes.

Last night Harry had taken more than fifteen shots and a few fruity drinks, it was absolutely crazy. He licked the alcohol off some guys abs and then sucked him off in the bathroom afterwards, and he can't even remember that. How horrible. "Hello?" Harry muttered into the speaker as he held his phone up to his ear. God, his head was pounding like someone was hitting it with a sledgehammer. "Hey, princess, how're you?" It was Louis. Of course he had to call when Harry was in the worst state possible. "Terrible. I might be dying." Harry said even though he wasn't going to die, just felt like he was. "Hm, why?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows wondering if he was sick or something. "I have the worst hangover." Harry sighed rubbing his temples to help, but it didn't.

"Well, lemme come over and take care of you, alright?" Louis asked even though he was going to anyways if Harry told him no. "I don't know. Aren't you busy?" Harry questioned, but he really would love for Louis to take care of him today, or the rest of his life, whichever works. "Nope, It's Sunday." Louis smiled thinking about a sleepy Harry in bed with his curls all messy and cute. "Okay, I guess you can come over. I'll text you the address." Harry sighed trying to hide that he was super excited for Louis to come over. "Alright, thanks babe. I'll see you later." Louis smirked wondering if Harry was naked in bed, he wasn't, but he could still think about it. "Okay, please hurry." Harry smiled lightly with his eyes shut peacefully. "I'll try." Louis chuckled and then hung up.

Harry placed his phone back down and rolled over in the bed with a smile on his pink lips. It soon faded away when he saw the sets of lingerie on the floor. Shit. He won't see them, they're in the corner, he won't even know they're there. Hopefully. Harry shrugged and pulled the blankets over his face. I mean, if he does see them, what's the worst that could happen?

"Harry?" Louis knocked on the bedroom door seeing a body under the covers, which he suspected was Harry's. Really, who else would it be? "Princess?" Louis smiled lightly while stepping over a pair of jeans on the floor, they were from last night and had alcohol on them from Dinah accidentally knocking into him while they were dancing. Harry hummed in response which sounded like a low whine that made Louis' heart flutter. It sounded adorable. "Where's the Advil?" Louis asked feeling his forehead, which had a coat of sweat on it, but not a gross amount. "In the bathroom cabinet." Harry grumbled wiping his eyes and it made him look like a precious princess.

Louis scrambled around through the many bottles of pain reliever until he finally found the blue label. "Thank god," Harry sighed taking the two pills from Louis and gulping them down with a glass of water. "Babe, are you okay? Are you hungry?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows as Harry laid back into bed and fluttered his eyes closed. "A little. Can you fix me a bowl of cereal? Preferably Cap'n Crunch, please?" Harry smiled with his bottom lip jutted out to make Louis do it, and he would anyways. "Sure thing, princess." Louis smiled leaving a kiss to the younger boy's forehead. Once Louis left the room to fix some cereal for the lad, Harry ran straight to the bathroom and began vomiting. His hangover was absolutely horrible. It's one of the worst he's ever had, which he hasn't had a lot of experiences, only a few.

"Harry, your cereal–whoa, babe." Louis widened his eyes once he saw Harry sitting beside the toilet, his cheeks flushed and his hair sticking to his forehead. "Come on, I'll help you to the living room." Louis whispered grabbing his arms and pulling him up. He walked him to the main room and sat him down at the couch then handed him his bowl of cereal. "Why did you get drunk?" Louis asked with furrowed eyebrows because was confused and kinda surprised. He wouldn't of thought Harry would be someone to get hungover, especially like this. "My friend, she's not a bad influence I swear, but she just wanted to party." Harry sighed swirling around the bits of cereal with his spoon, he didn't have much interest in anything right about now. Louis just hummed in response, he really didn't know what to say, except he wish Harry hadn't gone out last night. No, he's not controlling, but he wants Harry to be safe, even if they're not dating.. yet.

"Yeah," Harry mumbled and finished his cereal in a few more bites then placed the bowl on the coffee table. He would pick it up later, he was too lazy right now. "Wanna watch a movie?" Louis suggested after a few moments of silence, which wasn't awkward, but too quiet.

After Harry agreed to the movie they cuddled up together and decided to watch Blue Is The Warmest Color. (it's such a good movie, but super inappropriate to younger viewers) During the movie Harry had fallen asleep because he was still tired from last night and honestly Louis didn't mind he was sleeping on his lap. It was too fucking cute, and he was so fucking whipped.

author's note: so sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, but I just wanted to update asap. anyways, hopefully everyone had a good memorial weekend, for the ones who celebrate it :)

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