chapter sixteen

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author's note: does anyone watch the walking dead? im obsessed with that show and rick is definitely my favorite. he's my fucking daddy, omg. and i just saw that i had 2000 reads wth! thank you so, so much! xx

It had been two weeks since Harry was fired from his job and since then he's been looking everywhere for a new one, but he wasn't having any luck. He was so stressed about not being able to pay his bills, Louis assured him that it would be fine, but Harry didn't believe him. How was it going to be okay when he only had two hundred dollars in his bank account?

He couldn't live on that.

"No one likes me, Lou. I don't understand." Harry groaned in frustration, pulling at his curls and throwing his head back. "You don't have to." Louis wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close into his side. "It's not fair." Harry sighed and closed his eyes. God, what he would give for a joint right now. "I know." Louis muttered and focused his eyes on the ground thinking of what he should do to help, but nothing came to mind. "Baby, I know." Louis pulled Harry into his lap and brushed pieces of hair from his pale, blotchy face. 

For the next hour they laid with each other, Harry crying softly into Louis' chest. "Let's get some lunch, okay baby?" Louis suggested once he heard Harry's sobs come to a stop. He nodded in response and sat up beside him. "You'll find a job, okay? Don't worry about it." Louis smiled and Harry did too even though he still had doubt that he would find one soon.

Louis and Harry made a salad and ate silently in the living room, a movie playing to distract the silence. "Maybe I can move in–"

"No. Louis, I.. no." Harry shook his head even though he would love for Louis to live with him, but he can't. He wants to fend for himself, not depend on Louis for things. "Fine, but just think about it, okay?" Louis sighed and stabbed a piece of lettuce with his fork before shoving it into his mouth.

It was on Saturday when Louis drove out to see his mom who he hasn't seen in a few months now. God, has it been that long? It was only two hours away from his place to hers, and maybe that's why he doesn't visit often. That's what he hopes the reason is. As Louis pulled up into the gravel driveway, parking the car, his phone began to ring. "Fuck," He pulled off his seatbelt then looked at the caller ID. It was Harry, of course. "Hey, babe, what's up?" Louis answered trying not to seem annoyed right now. "I just wanted to call and tell you that I got a job! I start on Monday!" He squealed and that made Louis happy. He hated seeing Harry mope around his apartment, blankets wrapped around him, and buckets of ice cream in the trash. "Really? Oh my god, baby. I'm so happy for you!" Louis exclaimed with a bright smile. "Thanks, Lou." He whispered and then it went silent for a minute. "You don't sound too happy. What's wrong?" Louis asked sensing something was up with his baby. "Um, the job.. it's, I work at a bar." He bit his lip because he knew Louis wouldn't be very happy because men would be hitting on him twenty-four seven.

Louis thought for a second making sure he wouldn't say the wrong thing. "That's great, babe. Really." He smiled, he was just glad Harry finally got a job now, but hopefully nothing would happen at this new place. He would hate to have Harry quit, but if it came down to it, he would. He cares so much about him and his safety, he would do anything to protect his boyfriend. "Thanks, Louis. I'll let you go, okay?" Harry knew he was busy, Louis had been telling him he was going to see his mother for the last couple of days. It was cute to Harry, seeing Louis all excited to see his mom. "Alright, babe. I love you." He smiled pulling the keys out of the ignition. "I love you too, Louis." He finished then clicked the call off and that was the time for Louis to go knock on the door.

He pulled the bookbag onto his shoulder then let out a small sigh before bringing his hand up to knock on the front door. He waited a few moments before the door swung open, Jay, his mother, stood there with an apron on and her hair pulled back. "Louis!" She smiled and pulled him into a hug, which he gladly returned. "Mum, I missed you." He breathed in carefully as his head rested into her shoulder. "I missed you too." She let go and they pulled back from each other. "I just made dinner, we're about to eat. Come join us." She smiled in awe at her son. She couldn't believe he was finally home, though it wasn't for very long, but she didn't care. "Guys, Louis' home!" Jay yelled up the stairs and a few seconds later the kids ran down. He had two siblings, Oliver and Kris. Oliver was thirteen, and such a player, but he still very sweet but he loved woman. Kris was sixteen, she had just turned, and she was a very kind young girl.

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