Receiving Our Punishment

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Walking into Malificents' castle was probably one of the most scary things I have ever done. As I stepped in, a chill ran up my spine, causing me to hug my arms. This feeling was the same one I felt when I walked in here to hear about the plan to still the Fairy Godmother's wand. That day seemed like ages ago, even if it just happen not even two months before today.

"Mal!" The screeching voice met my ears with a bang. Not even a couple seconds later did I hear another voice calling, "Kids!"

"We're coming, mom!" Mal answered. I am pretty sure I detected a bit of fear in her reply.

Mal, I thought, afraid? That means we are in big trouble if the daughter of the Maleficent is afraid!

As we neared the end of the hallway, I saw a light coming from a room I know as the dining room/kitchen/throne room. In the room were four adults.

The one staring at a mirror was, of course the Evil Queen, checking her make up. Next to her sat Cruella de Vil who was playing and talking to a stuffed puppy-that really weirded me out. My dad, Jafar was cleaning out the fridge and stuffing as much food as possible in a red and black bag. Man that man can eat, he really needs to lose a few pounds. I mean he can't even properly feed his own son-and I work for the man! Finally, sitting her throne was Maleficent, Mistress of Darkness. She really scared me to be honest. Having all of parents and the whole island was just another trick up her sleeve.

"Alright, kids! Lets get right to it! You four are here by banished to the Isle of the Doom!" Maleficent let out an evil laugh as she stroke Diablo.

My legs threatened to give out from beneath me. That's when we ran. Ran to nowhere.

Unfortunately, I was just imaging the last part. I wasn't that stupid. They'd kill us, literally. Somethings you just can't run from, no matter how much you want to. I am honestly scared, I wish we would have just stolen the wand. Things would be so much easier right now.

No one spoke-not for a while. I guess everyone was shocked or loving how everyone was shocked. This isn't how it was supposed to end. Was all I could think.

A few moments later, the silence was broken by a fear-filled voice. I quickly started to pay attention to the conversation brewing in the room. I was in more shocked at what I heard over the next few minutes.


Wow...the Isle of the Doom! That place sound familiar? Just to let everyone know, if you haven't read Chapter 20 and 21-27 of The Isle of the Lost, you may need to because is may be kind of confusing since my story mostly takes place on the Isle of the Doom.


P.S., I have no idea why this didn't post the first time. Remember this is the chapter before we're going where.

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