Chapter 10

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Spoilers through Season 1 episode 9

Chapter 10

Andrew had been ready to give Chloe a piece of his mind and fire her until he saw her face. Suddenly being stuck without a bartender didn’t matter. She explained she had an accident and couldn’t call because she had been in the hospital. Glad to see she was ok, Andrew didn’t think twice about letting her keep the job.

After she and Jax returned to the clubhouse, Chloe stayed locked in her room. She paced, not caring about the pain it caused along her ribs to stand so long. She noticed the mirror and lowered the towel. As she looked at herself she began to cry. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’ll make it better.”


Jax was sitting in his room when Gemma stopped by. “What are you looking at?” she asked.

“Check it out.” He handed her the drawing.

The sight of Abel’s face made her smile. “CM in the corner, I know Clay can’t do this. How’d she meet the little one?”

“She got hurt and I took her to the hospital. I stopped by to see him before we left. What are you doing here?”

“I came to visit my son. You’ve been so distant, please tell me it’s not because you’re involved with her.” Gemma asked while making a face.

“No, I’m not crazy enough to get with Chloe.” Jax said, quick to clear that up.

“No I meant Tara.” She made another disgusted face at the mention of Tara. “But this is interesting.”

Jax sighed; his foot was deep in his throat. “No it’s not. You said ‘her’ how was I supposed to know you meant Tara? And no nothing is happening there either.” He noticed his mom was grinning, that worried him. “What?”

“Nothing.” Gemma left his room, happy with the visit. If he was noticing another girl then he wasn’t focused on that no good bitch Tara. The thought made her smile except, was noticing Clay’s daughter a good idea either?

Jax loved his mother, considered her a friend and the strongest person he knew. But he did wish she’d butt out and let him make his own choices without input, even if they were mistakes.


The problem with two bit towns was the lack of options. There was one hospital in town and Chloe had no other choice but to go. She borrowed a car from the garage and drove herself; she didn’t want anyone at the club to know.

At the hospital Tara was on the floor and spotted her. “Is something wrong?” she asked, hoping she didn’t miss something last night.

Chloe looked around; making sure no one was paying them any attention. “Yeah. I need you to keep a secret; I need to be checked out. I didn’t mention something last night.”


“The cops believe they turned on each other but the Mayans are spittin pissed.” Tig said as he, Clay, Jax and Opie stood inside a garage.

“They aren’t looking our way yet.” Clay said. “We get the money to McKeavy tonight and we’re good.”

“What about Chloe, are you going to use her again?” Jax asked, hoping he wouldn’t have to work with her and watch her get hurt again.

“I don’t know, no reason to yet.” Clay said, he and Tig walked away as their short meeting was over.

Opie waited until they were no longer insight to talk to his best friend. “What is this? Like no woman in the work place thing?”


“You gave it away. You don’t want Chloe involved with this club.”

“It’s not that, she’s Clay’s daughter, would you want this for yours?” Jax asked.

“I’m raising my girls, Clay doesn’t know her. If it doesn’t bother him or her why should we care. You gotta stop second guessing Clay, everyone is watching.” Opie warned, if he didn’t have his friend’s back, who would?

“Yeah, you’re right.”


A second time that week Chloe was laying back on an exam table but that time she was scared. Tara started to speak. “All the damage was done high on your stomach and your ribs.” She explained. “Are you alright, is this good news?”

“Yeah I wasn’t looking for the easy way out if that’s what you mean. I didn’t say anything because if Jax knows he might tell Clay. And now as my doc you can’t say anything.” Chloe warned, the hard tone laced with a threat she’d make good on.

“Do you want to hear the heart beat?” Tara asked softly, still unsure how the other woman felt.

Chloe sighed, looking at the screen. “I didn’t know how I really felt until now when I thought I might lose her. I feel really guilty about the two beers now.”

Tara turned on the sound. “It’s ok, the baby is doing good.” she watched the relief on Chloe’s face. “The father?”

“Not in the picture and never will be.”

Tara felt the situation grow personal. “I’m not judging but I’m curious. If the father is someone you don’t want in your life, why keep the baby?” her own memories of a similar time rose.

“I thought about abortion but I couldn’t do it. She’s mine and the way I see it he owes me. She’s mine and only mine.” Chloe stared at the screen, she was almost three months along but in her heart she knew it was a girl.


It was a slow day at the garage. Jax went up to the rooftop to think, to look, and to get away. Opie’s words rung in his head, everyone’s watching. Were they expecting him to fail or snap out of it? Except Jax didn’t think there was anything wrong. He felt like he was seeing clear for the first time in his life. But finally seeing and becoming his own person was pushing everyone away. Deep down he loved the club, it was his life, his blood. Something had to change, he just didn’t know what.


Chloe tried to look nice for work. She whipped out some make-up and tried to look bright and happy when she wasn’t. There was nothing to be done with the clothes, the shirt was long to cover bruising and loose because of the baby as she was starting to show. Chloe sat on the bed sighing. “I have no idea what I’m doing.” Jax was right, she couldn’t run forever but what other choice was there?

She looked toward the door when someone knocked, Jax stepped inside. “Whoa you knocked now next time you have to wait until I say it’s ok to come in.”

Jax ignored that. “I came to see if you wanted a ride to work. Clay is meeting someone there.”

“So you’re going to the bar anyway. Yeah sure I’ll go with you.” Chloe followed him out of the room.

Clay and Tig were outside, Clay was saying goodbye to Gemma who kept telling him to be careful.

Chloe was used to holding onto Jax, it was no longer awkward. Instead she thought about Clay and Gemma, how their love was visible, how she worried but never told him it was dangerous or not to go. Chloe envied that, who wouldn’t want someone who understood but allowed you to be yourself?

She separated from the Sons once at Taylor’s. The bar was already open, she went straight to work. Clay knew the Taylor family and felt safe to have a meeting outside of watchful eyes.

It was a half-hour later when gunshots rang and the night went to hell.

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