Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Beep…beep…beep…well now that was annoying, Chloe thought. She struggled a minute to open her eyes, they felt like they had been glued shut, and when she saw her surroundings she recognized that she was in the hospital. “What the--?” she couldn’t remember how she ended up here.

She tried to remember but that damn beeping wouldn’t let her focus!

A nurse rushed into the room and went straight to the machine. “You’re awake.” She sounded positively shocked.

“Where am I?” she struggled to speak, her throat was sore and itchy.

“St. Thomas Hospital.”

She was still in Charming… “Can I speak to Dr. Tara Knowles?” she hoped Jax’s girlfriend could fill in some of the holes in her memory. She knew whatever the club fed the cops and doctors on her case wouldn’t have been the truth. 

“I’m sorry sweetheart Dr. Knowles left back to Chicago three weeks ago. I’ll go get Dr. Morgan who’s been overseeing your case.” The nurse patted her hand gently before turning back around and leaving the room with the same burst of energy she came in with.

Must be nice, Chloe thought. She felt like a heavy wet blanket unable to muster up the energy to wiggle her toes. With a sigh she flexed her hands and forced her feet to move. Everything was in working order just at a slug’s pace. The nurse said Tara had left three weeks ago, did that mean she had been laid up in this bed three weeks? There was a big gaping hole missing from her memories. The last thing she could remember was arriving back to the clubhouse after spending the day with Gemma and Abel.

She gasped and tossed the blankets away. Her stomach was flat, painfully flat. She sucked in a tight breath and tried to think. Her baby was gone! Damn it she didn’t know what to do. She was sobbing by the time the doctor and nurse returned. “Where’s my baby?”

The doctor was a man who appeared to be in his fifties, he had a head of grey and black hair and sympatric brown eyes. “I’m sorry but the baby didn’t survive.”

Every fiber of her being went numb. There had to be a mistake, her baby had been alive and healthy inside of her. “I don’t understand.”  The doctor turned to the nurse and whispered something that had the woman again leaving the room. “Tell me what happened.” She demanded before the questions ripped her apart.

“You were shot Ms. Morrow.” The doctor said gently as he broke the hard news. “The bullet pierced through your collarbone and lodged itself in the back of your head. When you came in you were in critical condition and that stress was too much for the fetus to endure. Because of where the bullet ended up and the brain swelling that caused you fell into a coma.”

“How long has it been?”

“Two months.”

“Wow. This is just crazy.” She refused to believe it, she was sure this was just some nightmare she’d wake from and it’d be nothing more than a distant memory. It wasn’t the first nightmare she’s ever had and wouldn’t be the last. She just had to wake up.

“I know this must be a lot to accept but---”

“No! This isn’t real and I know that so just save your lies. My baby is alive. Just get out, get out!”

The doctor nodded and turned away without another word.

Chloe sat there staring at the closed door and counted down the minutes, she’d wake up, she had to. She reached down and pinched her leg, noticing the ugly green scrub pants she had on under the hospital gown. She shrugged and decided to get up, if she left the room that should end the nightmare.

Her legs were crap but she managed to stay up right if she used the bed railing to steady her wobbling steps. She was breathing hard as she made it around one side of the bed and still had several steps to reach the door.

It was a journey she didn’t make.

When Gemma got the call from Half- Sack who was keeping a watch from a distance that Chloe was out of her coma Jax wasted no time joining his mother in her car as she sped out of the TM parking lot. The doctors had told them several times that the chances of her surviving were grim, they even suggested that Clay pull the plug but he refused, even as the first month ticked on by and the second dragging out and following behind. When Clay’s faith would wavier Gemma was right there at his side telling him to fight for his daughter because a Morrow wasn’t weak.

“You find out what the doctor knows, I’m going to go see her.” Jax said hastily to his mother as he rushed ahead of her to Chloe’s room.

She was on the floor crying when he found her, she looked up at him with wide dark blue eyes. “You can’t be here.”

He knelt down beside her. “Why not?” he was so damn happy to see her eyes open and to hear her talking.

“If you’re here then this dream is real.” She shook her head and looked around the room. “It can’t be. The doctor said I lost my baby.”

He reached down and grasped her hands. He didn’t want to make her nightmare a reality but no matter how much they hated it she deserved the truth. “I’m so sorry.”

She crumbled in his arms as her head fell to his chest. “No.” she moaned out in physical pain as news sobs claimed her body. “I was so close to getting out and doing everything so she could have a good life. I was finally going to be good.”

She was breaking his heart and he didn’t have a damn clue on what he should be doing. He held onto her and offered all he could; his support. “You are good Chloe.” Her past didn’t have to define her. He had to believe in redemption, for her and for himself.

“No, she’s gone, its all gone.” She gripped the front of his shirt and begged for answers. “What happened? I keep trying but I can’t remember anything.”

Jax didn’t want to tell her how Luke came after her and the whole club, how it had been his bullet to take the life of her baby. She just woke from a two month coma and he didn’t know how all this news could affect her. She was sobbing and shaking, he couldn’t risk her health. “You need to take it easy.” He got up on the balls of his feet to brace his weight before lifting her into his arms and carrying her back to the bed.

“Jax…” she held onto the front of his shirt. “Don’t go.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

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