Chapter 7 ♥ Life lesson

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"Reginae, why didn't you tell me about this earlier, girl? I would've talked to the boy." Lil Wayne said to Reginae as he ate some of his popcorn.

"Daddy, I didn't tell you because I knew you were going to get mad. I didn't want you to go off on him either. I know how you are!"

"Well, did you tell him off at least? I don't like any boy, a boy from that dumb ass group Mindless Behavior anyways, playing my daughter like a bitch. And excuse my language."

"I know, Dad, but-"

"Then you got this surgery! You look great and all, baby, but that's not you. You were THICK. You had meat on your bones, and even a little chubby. But that was YOU. And I've told you before never to listen to these little boys out here because they ain't no good."

"But, it hurts badly when you know people don't think you look well. It takes a piece away from your heart, daddy."

"Why do you care what other people think? Being pretty isn't something to be proud of in most cases. Now having the brains and the knowledge up here.." he tapped on his skull. "That's all that you need in life."

Reginae stood up from the couch and went to fix her some juice from out of the kitchen. As she poured the lemonade in the glass cup, she sighed and decided to ask her dad something she'd never been compelled to ask him in her life.

"Dad... do you think I'm.. or was, pretty?" she stuttered.

Lil Wayne made a weird face then looked back at her. "Do I think you're pretty? Baby girl, you're beyond beautiful and I want you to always know that! You're one of the most beautiful young ladies I've came across.."

Reginae sighed and sat back down on the couch with him. When she sat by him, she looked at him sadly and shook her head. She knew her dad only said this just because she was his daughter. She could see it straight through his face. "You don't think I'm beautiful. Of COURSE parents are going to tell their children that they look good just because they are THEIR children! Stop lying to me!"

"Reginae, I'm not lying to you! You could even ask Nicki and Drake! I brag about how gorgeous and beautiful my daughter is every day."

Reginae gave him a look, telling him that she wasn't believing anything he was saying. When he took a glimpse of her reaction, he scratched his frizzy dreds then wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I'll call them if you'd like." he said, lowly.

"No.." she sighed.

"Daddy, I'm 'ight. I just.. I just really feel embarrassed- like the feeling won't go away of me being rejected by the one guy I really like in front of hundreds of people. I- I don't know.."

"Nae, do you want me to do something? Because I will! I know a lot of people who knows other people."

"And so does Princeton. His fan base is crazy, so I don't want your feelings getting hurt. Plus, they're all little girls and teenagers; you don't need to step down to their level."

"I'm not scared of no little girls, Nae!" he shouted, laughing.

"It's aright, Daddy! I'm fine. I'm good."

"Are you sure? Because you know that I-"

"I'm SURE."

Lil Wayne smirked and looked the other way. It was very upsetting as a parent to watch his child go through so much embarrassment; knowing there wasn't anything he could do to help.

Reginae walked to her room upstairs to go to bed. With all of the stress that'd been going on, she'd been getting headaches and migraines more often. As she hopped into her omni-pendulum bed, her phone was going off like crazy. "Who the hell is this? Dang!" she yelled.

Diamonds ♥ (Jacob Perez)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant