Chapter 26 ♥ More Than That

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Zonnique and Princeton were both at a lost for words. They kept their eyes on Isabella for a few seconds, and took breath at the same time.

"Are you sure they said you, yourself were going to... pass away?" Princeton asked.

"Yes. They said my name."

That day, they took Isabella on whichever ride she wanted to go on. They paid for any type of food, candy, and drink that she wanted, and they took as many pictures as they could. When it was 6:00, and the sun was starting to set, Zonnique nudged Princeton on his arm.

"Let's take her back, Prince. It's getting late."

"Zonnique, I don't want to take her back! I want to spend as much time as I possibly can with her!" Princeton cried.

"Prince, I out of all people know exactly how you feel! I've known her longer than you, so yeah! We need to let her go.."

"Stop saying that!" he yelled, attracting Isabella's attention.

Zonnique snapped her neck back. "Stop saying what?"

"It doesn't matter how long you've known a person; if you care for their ass, you care for them. Just like mother's and their new born babies!"

"Let's not do this right now, Prince..." Zonnique sighed as she walked over to Isabella.

"Then stop bringing that up, like you have an advantage over me. And we won't have a problem."

"..Anyways, Isabella, we're going to take you back, sweety." Zonnique nodded as she wrapped her arms around her waist.

Isabella glanced up at Princeton then sniffed a little, indicating that she was going to cry. "I don't want to go back to the hospital. I want to stay here with you, Prince!" she yelled as she snatched out of Zonnique's grip then to Princeton.

"You don't have to go, Isabella! You can stay over at my house!" he said as he rubbed her back.

Zonnique watched the two in total shock. Not once did Isabella show her any affection like she did with Prince, and that stung badly.

They made their way out the gates of the park then drove all the way to the hospital to get Isabella's clothes and medicine. The whole ride, Isabella was talking to Princeton and Princeton only. Zonnique sat in the passenger beside Princeton, making it even harder to ignore the two. During the ride, he kept stealing glances from her. He saw just how jealous she was becoming, but he didn't like it.

When they made it home, he helped Isabella out of the car. "Can you grab her bags, Zonnique?" he asked.

Zonnique crossed her arms then hopped out of the car, walking up to the front step.

"Is she mad, again?" Isabella laughed.

Princeton was too busy giving Zonnique the evil eye notice what she'd just said. He slowly put Isabella down, then grabber her bags. "Come on, Izzy. I have your bags."

They made their way up to the front step, eying Zonnique like she was crazy. "Well, can you at least help me with opening the front door?" Princeton scoffed.


Isabella glanced up at him then raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to help?"

"No, I got it!" Zonnique said as she snatched the keys from his mouth.

"Oh, so now you've got it?" Princeton said as Zonnique opened the door.

"Now that Isabella showed you how to man up and help, you want to take over?"

Diamonds ♥ (Jacob Perez)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora