Chapter 30 ♥ Tragic

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After not seeing Ray for so long, Zonnique secretely returned back to cutting. It wasn't something she wanted to do or planned to do, but the pressure from everything around her was the reason.

As always, she ran her bath water then removed her clothing. After she removed her long sleeved shirt, it exposed her bruised wrists; they were covered in marks from the pain. It was pain she couldn't even explain- similar to the type of pain people with depression went through.

"Aaah..." she sighed as she gently touched them with her index fingers.

They were so sore that she had to watch everything she did on a daily basis; one tiny hit and her wrists would start throbbing.

When the tub was filled with water and bubbles, she grabbed the sharp scissors she'd use then slowly sat down. That's when she heard her room door open. "Oh, God!" she thought as she looked for a place to throw the scissors. "Nique?" her mom shouted.

That's when her bathroom door slowly opened. She panicked then threw the scissors into the water. "Oh, I'm sorry, hunny! Reginae is on the phone for you. Here you go!"

She handed the phone to her then walked out, closing the door also. Zonnique leaned her head back and made a sigh of relief. She did NOT want her family knowing that she was cutting again.


"Zonnique, you remember that girl who you told me about? That girl who was on the airplane?"

"Mhmm. Why?"

Reginae took a deep breath then sighed. "She was a younger girl, right? About 7?"

"Yes, Nae. Why? You saw her?"

"She's on the news. Her name is Mahogany Winter. They said she was killed last friday in an accident.."

"W-w-wait... what?" Zonnique stuttered as she pulled her knees up out of the bubbly water.

"Zonnique, don't stress yourself, girl. Accidents happen all the time." Reginae said, calmly.

"But what type of accident was it?"

"When I was watching, the mother was explaining everything but she was crying so hard, I couldn't get any words out."

"Oh, God.." Zonnique gasped.

"But I did hear her say something about it being a school. You know anything could happen at school. But she was a beautiful little girl like you told me. She was gorgeous."

"I just can't believe that I saw this little child on the plane, looking as healthy as ever... then she's dead a couple of months later. That's just unbelievable!"

"I know, Nique. I know. Maybe it was just her time to go.... we'll never know."

Zonnique glanced down at her scissors which were at the bottom of the water in the opening of the soap suds. This issue only made her want to cut more. When she hung the phone up after talking some more with Reginae, she grabbed the scissors, lowered her back into the water, then made a long cut across her left wrist.

The little girl, Mahogany Winter, was killed in an attack at school. She did nothing to provoke the fight.

It was at school, that when a group of four 3rd graders forced her into the bathroom then jumped her to death. They did everything to her from punching her repeatedly in the face to slamming her head against the solid bathrooms stalls.

This whole crime was done out of jealousy; because the other girls were dark but they didn't look at themselves as pretty. They were jealous of Mahogany because of how beautiful she looked. They didn't like the fact of another dark, black girl being able to pull off her look.

That led to poor Mahogany's return to home.

The next couple of weeks, Robyn stayed secretly with Mindless Behavior on tour. No one, not even the rest of the boys, knew that she was there- only Ray.

"Okay, here's a hot dog. That's all we have until we're able to go to the grocery store!" Ray whispered as he placed her plate on the floor. She was only wearing underwear and his large, gray hoodie.

"Thank you so much, Ray. I'm having a great time." she smiled.

Ray stood up then made his way out of the tiny room/closet. "Glad you're having fun-"

"Wait, where are you going?"

"....Out in the front with the boys?"

"Why can't you stay here? I'm bored back here, Ray!" she whined.

"Robyn, if the boys see that I'm always coming back here, they're going to know that something is up." he sighed as he looked away from her green eyes. "Just... just try to find something fun to do. I'll let you hold my iPod if you want?"

"Sure." she sighed as she picked her hot dog up.

Ray went back out then picked his iPod out from his bag. When he returned, Robyn immediately snatched the iPod out of his hand then pulled him onto her by his shoulders. "Robyn!" he quietly yelled.

"We can't do this right now! It's 3 in the day!"

Ignoring him, she continued to remove her shirt and kiss all on his neck. "Ray, please!" she begged as Ray kept grabbing onto her wrists.

"Robyn... ROBYN! Stop!" he yelled.

On the outside of the room, the boys were all sitting down in their underwear, watching MTV. That's when they all heard Ray Ray yell.

Prodigy glanced at the three of them with his glass of soda in his hand, then raised an eyebrow. "Is Ray in there yelling at himself?"

"He's probably just on the phone." Roc said.

"Well someone need to tell him to go keep it down. He's being too damn loud."

"I'll go." Prince sighed as he stood up. He pulled his shorts up then made his way to the door.

"Ray!" he yelled as he knocked on it.

Suddenly, Ray Ray and Robyn both froze and stared at the door. "Shit!" Ray whispered as he slowly lifted off of Robyn. "Uh... hold on, Prince! I'll be out in a minute!"

"Ray, we just need you to stop making all of that noise! You're too loud-"

"Okay, I said I'll be out in a minute!" Ray yelled as he threw a green blanket over Robyn.

"Listen, whatever you do, do NOT make any noise or you're going to get caught!" he whispered. Robyn nodded her head then placed the cover over it.

With that, Ray opened the door to see Princeton giving him a strange look. "....Who was that, Ray?"

"Who was who?"

"That... thing! I saw something moving in there."

"It was probably me, Prince. Do we have some chips here?" Ray said, trying to get off topic.

He shoved Princeton out of his way then walked into the kitchen area. Princeton lowered his eyes then looked back at the door. After a while, he just shrugged his shoulders then let it go.


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