Chapter 28 ♥ Die in The Moment

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Christmas was finally here. It was the 25th, and a Thursday.

Everybody, including Zonnique, was downstairs in their best pajamas, opening up gifts. Once everyone got to open their presents up, Tiny took Zonnique behind the stairs.

"Nique, I've decided to not take you to Bahja's cemetary. And don't freak out! It's for a good reason." she nodded.

Right there, Zonnique felt like throwing the TV through the window. All this time, she was expecting to man up and visit her best friend's grave, but she couldn't. Instead of freaking out, she bit the inside of her cheek then sighed. "....Why?"

"Nique, do you think Bahja would want to miss a Christmas with you?"

"No! That's why I want to go to her gravesite but you won't let me-"

"Calm down, sweety. Now what I want you to understand is that Bahja loved spending Christmas with you. I'm sure she wouldn't want you, out of all days, to visit her on Christmas day."

Zonnique rolled her eyes then crossed her arms. "Ma', why didn't you tell me this before Christmas! You had me all worked up then you just blew this in my face! I wanted to see my friend!" she cried.

Tiny rubbed Zonnique's arms then smiled. "You'll thank me later, Nique. Trust and believe it when I say that I'm only trying to do what'll be right in the longrun."

With that she walked back to the family, leaving Zonnique pissed off in the middle of the house. That was when she couldn't take it anymore. She ran upstairs then Skyped Ray.  When he finally popped up on the screen, he had on a red Christmas hat and a Santa Clause beard. "Merry Christmas, ma'! I was waiting for you to skype me-"

"Ray, you have to come get me. No questions, just now."

Two Days Later

"Hurry up before they see me, Nique!" Ray yelled as he sat in his car.

Zonnique gently closed her door then hopped into Ray Ray's car. When she buckled her seatbelt then got comfortable, Ray drove off.

"You know I love you when I come down to Georgia this much."

"Ray, I don't want to go back in that house!" Zonnique cried, dampening her cheeks with her bitter tears.

"Ray, my mom told me I couldn't visit... visit Bahja's grave because she said Bahja wouldn't want me seeing her dead... and-and I'm just pissed off!"

"Zonnique, calm down! We could visit her if you want, babe." Ray said as he kept his eyes on the road. "Ray, I don't even think I want to see her anymore." Zonnique sighed. "You wanted to go to my house instead? The house I have over here?" Zonnique looked back at him. "The one where you and Prod stay?" she asked.

He shook his head yes then waited for her to respond. She didn't like the house considering it only had one bed they shared; plus Prod and Reginae had sex in it once.

She shook her head no then smirked. "Can you get a hotel instead, Ray?"

"A hotel? No! Why don't you want to go to the house down here?"

"Ray, I- I just don't like that one you have. It's too small, babe. You didn't feel like renting out a room?"

"Zonnique, if you don't want to go to that house then we might as well go to my house in Cali! My mom and dad be working all day, and they wouldn't mind you being there. Trust me."

"Ray, no! I can't keep bothering your family's personal space. I know that gets annoying after a while." Zonnique sighed. Honestly, she did want to go to his house; she just loved to put on a front.

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