Chapter 10 ♥ Couple Fever

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The next morning, Zonnique arrived home at 5:45 AM. When Shekinah came and picked her up, she completely crashed in the car from the lack of sleep. Shekinah couldn't help but steal glances at her face. It was so different and surgically defined that she looked bruised aroiund her cheeks. She was also her and her mother's hairdresser, so she paid attention to the pixie cut she'd gotten. It looked nice, but of course being their hairstylist, she felt that she could've done way better.

Instead of taking her home, she let Zonnique rest at her house for a bit. When she woke up three hours later at 9:00 AM on the couch, she gritted her teeth and checked her iPhone that her laptop. As soon as she unlocked the screen, there were literally 50 messages on skype from Ray Ray. Not even wanting to go through all of the messages, she rolled her eyes, called him, then laid her head back down on the armrest.

When Ray answered, she saw him mouthed the words "thank you" and closed his eyes out of relief.

"Zonnique, baby! I'm so glad to hear from you." he said, relieved.

"Before you say or assume anything, I just wanted to tell you that I am terribly sorry. For.. for everything I said. You deserve better and I was wrong."

Zonnique grinned and shut her eyes close from her drowsiness. It felt great to hear thoise words, especially coming from Ray. But just like Reginae had done, she wasn't letting him get off that easily.

"You think that I'm going to forgive you? Like THAT? After those comments? That reaction? Ray, I don't know who the hell you think I am, but I honestly don't need you. I've been put through TOO much this week, and-"

"Would you like to come chill with me at my hotel? Me and Prod is in ATL in the rental house Keisha bought us. I'll prove it to you that I am sorry, and I also have something to tell you. Something that I've been wanting to get off of my chest for the pass week, also.."

"You might as well tell me now, Ray. I don't even want to see you in person and I DAMN well know that you wouldn't want to be seen out in public with me.."

"Nique, you are one of the most gorgeous girls I've seen in my life. So just shut that shit up. You're my lady, and I love you. Not those people in the restaurant, but me."

"You're saying that just to get me to forgive you.. then you're going to turn right back around and cheat on me."

"Cheat on you? Heck no! I never even TOUCHED or looked at another girl while we weren't talking, boo." Ray said as he gazed at her in the camera.

Zonnique crossed her arms then poked her lip out, calling out his bluff. He groaned and smiled a little.

"Okay, you know I still look, but I am a male. That's what we do. My mind wasn't on any other girl but you."

"Are you sure?"


He's harmless, Nique. Just go over to his hotel, and get it over with.

"Alright. Come pick me up in two hours."

"TWO hours?! What do you have to get done?! Your hair is short as a bush and you don't need any makeu-"

She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms back up.

" know what? Take your time, because I love you that way." he laughed as he raised his arms up.

"Thank you, Ray. I'm at Shekinah's house, so just look up the directions on Map Quest or something. Bye!"

Ray Ray groaned and giggled. "Bye, baby." She slammed the laptop down and immediately ran to the bathroom to get started on her makeup. While she applied the eyeliner, and blush, she had a flashback of the bear that Isabella gave Princeton. She'd never been so hurt and confused in her life. The fact that she spent so much time with her, and Princeton literally knew her for less than two hours cut through her heart like a spear.

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