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- Evie -


After an endless makeout session with Tom, he was just about to unzip my dress before I hear rustling from the bushes outside.

"Tom, stop." I panted, my fingers digging into his hair.

He did as said, his eyes locking with mine.

"What is it?"

"I.." I couldn't get the words out.

"If it's because you're underage, and you're still in high school.."

"That is the least of our problems here. I just fucking heard something outside. Someone is watching us." I cursed, lightly pushing him away.

He pulls the black gun from his back pocket out. "Stay here."

"I'm not going to stay anywhere." I told him, slightly narrowing my eyes.

"Are you always this difficult?"

"Always." I whispered, following close behind him as he turned around, slowly approaching the backyard door.

We both visibly jumped at the sound of my phone vibrating as I breathed out.

I picked it out from my dress pocket, answering it.


"Hi there, Evie."

I looked at the caller ID, only to read unknown number in big letters.

"What do you want? Just tell me what you want, you psychotic son of a bitch." I spat venom with each word that left my lips, Tom glancing back at me.

My chest rose up and down heavily and unevenly, my breath hitching in my throat.

My fingers gripped my phone, tears forming in my eyes.

"What can I say, Evie? You say tomato, I say to-mah-to." He laughed eerily, as I screamed in frustration throwing my phone at the wall in front of me.

This was supposed to be a joke, it had to be at one point. But then Stacey died, and her heart turned up at Mallory's doorstep.

How the hell could he know where we were and how we were all at the same place at the same time? It puzzled me, only leaving me with no choice but to point a finger at just anyone.

I gasped, my hands flying to my lips as the telephone on the counter rang loudly.

"Tom!" I screamed. "Tom get in here!" I shouted, my voice cracking.

He rushed in, heading straight for me as he held me to his chest.

"No one was out there, Evie." He spoke into my hair as I pulled away from him.

"He called me. He could have been anywhere." I said shakily, gritting my teeth.

The ringing stopped, Mallory's voicemail recording going on.

The phone beeped, the same low voice speaking.

"How would Michael like to know about your little hook up with the town's officer, Evie? How would all your friends like to know how much of a desperate whore you are?"

"Stop! Make it fucking stop!" I cried, backing away as my back hit the wall roughly.

Tom had angrily ran to the phone, picking it up.

"You think you're so smart, you think you can keep this up you prick? We're going to catch you, whoever the hell you are." He shouted.

"What if I said.. I wasn't the only one?"

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