Edited - 7/28/19
"Good morning, boys!"
Ashton, Michael and I all said good morning to Benny, the radio host for today's interview. We were sat across from Benny with headphones on and a microphone for each of us. Although it was a radio interview, it was also being filmed and then posted online.
"How are you all doing?" Benny was a burly man with braces on. I found out the latter part after he smiled at us just then.
Michael brought up the microphone to his mouth. "We're pretty good, pretty good. Lacking a little on coffee. But, we're alright though."
I was sat in the middle between him and Ashton, so I wasn't allowed to just stare off into space. No matter how much I just wanted to be at home at the moment.
"That's good to hear. So, your album has been released a while back and it's been doing good, how do you feel about that?" Benny's voice was upbeat, enthusiastic, just how you'd expect an interviewer's voice to be.
The events from yesterday kept replaying in my head. The minute Luke walked out was the exact moment I broke down. I locked myself in my room after that, and when Michael and Ashton came to get me before we came here, I had barely gotten any sleep.
They both asked how the date went. I didn't want to tell them, but it'd be too obvious that I was lying and then they'd just bug me for the truth. So, I told them what really happened.
They didn't say much, and I was utterly grateful.
Michael and Ashton answered most of the questions, which wasn't that suspicious I guess. Ashton was just a natural conversationalist and Michael was pretty funny. For a few minutes I settled with only mumbling my agreements on the topics being discussed.
"So, what do you boys plan on doing now?"
I decided to speak up. "Our tour's coming up in a few months, we released the poster for it yesterday. Dates and places will be announced within the week and we are very excited for it. Before tour, we'll probably be spending time with family and friends." I felt Ashton and Michael both subtly glanced at me, just enough so that it wouldn't seem like they were surprised I was even talking.
It would be nice to see the family again. Mali-Koa's always busy with University and mom and dad still live in America. Being in the music industry meant that you didn't see your family as often as you liked since you were always touring places, performing in different venues or writing new songs. It's all worth it though, for the people who love our music.
"So, we have a few questions from your fans here." Benny moved his computer mouse, staring at his screen. "And since #Ask5SOS trended worldwide, I think they deserve a few answers, yeah?"
One person asked what Michael's next hair color would be and he said he was thinking of dyeing it red again. Another person asked how we kept in shape during tours and Ashton answered that we don't really, which was a lie since he was the one who worked out the most and ate salads daily because he actually enjoyed it.
There were more questions after that and I did my best to answer when I felt that I needed to or when the question was for me, but my mind was drifting some place else.
The inevitable moment arrived.
"Zoey's wondering who among you boys are single." Benny read from the screen, and you could almost hear the excitement in his voice.
I swallowed, keeping my face neutral.
"Well, I'm single." Michael said nonchalantly. "Me too." Ashton answered, his elbow propped on top of the table with his palm supporting his chin.

Forced | cake au ✓
Fanfiction[ Ranked #1 - Cake ] [ Ranked # 10 - CalumHood ] [ Ranked #98 - 5sos ] Calum Hood: Lead singer and bassist of 5 Seconds of Summer. Luke Hemmings: Actor and model. Because of a mistake, these two are forced to pretend that they're dating each other...