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^^ it fits ^^ To make it clear, Damian is Demi-Sexual, meaning he *cannot* have arousal, romance, or platonic (siblings/ friends) feelings towards Anyone, unless they've impacted his psyche.

Like Arthur has, and Sam reminds him of Arthur... Hence the 'stirring' at his morning husky voice. You're all hopefully old enough to get that double entendre, because this chap gets a little steamy.

--- Damian's POV ---

(3 months since school began, winter break starts in a week, lasts 1 month.)

I slowly opened my eyes, and blinked in confusion. I was in a tent. 'Have the past few days been a dream?' I thought.

My body began to move on its own, and I walked from my bed, dressing myself quickly, apparently hearing some noise or sensing something.

I whipped open the tent flap, and my armor grew on my chest, scales stopping a curved sword from entering my heart. I snorted in derision and created a small nail of fire, shooting it into the assassins forehead. She dropped, dead, and I stepped over her, then continued on towards a tent filled with people.

They bowed, and I nodded, looking at the map. I recognized it. New Persia... We were slowly conquering New Persia. 'I see. This is fathers body. Interesting.'

Suddenly I could hear the conversation. "Sire, I request permission to lead a full frontal assault! They have their own dragons, deserters from your uncles nobility, as well as Wyrms! We need to either crush them or pull back!" Titus growled, fist slamming the desk.

Father nodded. "This is true. But it will not be you leading it. It shall be Damian."

"But my king!! He is at school! We cannot disrupt his learnings!" Mira protested.

"Our spies report the enemy emperor has called his son back to man the line. I will do the same, and my son shall crush his, and end his line. We will then begin the Frontal assault you wish for. This battle will take place during the full moon on the New Year's Eve. It's more dramatic that way." Father laughed.

Titus grinned. "Oh aye it is... I will begin preparations, master."


I blinked open my eyes, my heart pounding, and fell off my Boulder somehow. I'd never reacted to a dream that way. I shook myself, dressing, and then exited the box, putting it in my pocket.

I silently slipped out of the room, and made my way to the highest point I could find, the eerie in the turret, only to find someone else already there.

I sighed. "Couldn't sleep either, Sammy?" I asked, and he flinched, slowly turning.

He stuffed a letter in his sleeve, and nodded. "I had a few dreams, and came up to enjoy the fresh air." He said.

I smelled the lie. I smiled. "Dragons can smell lies, Sam. But I'll let it pass. Whatever's in that letter is no business of mine." I said, leaning against the edge and looking out.

He stuttered out excuses, and trailed off. He was silent for a long while. Suddenly He sighed. "Fine. It's a letter from my-"

"I said it was no business of mine, unless you want it to be." I interrupted. "You do not need to tell me. I respect your privacy."

I looked back out at the lake, soaking in the silence, the serenity of the quiet sounds in the forest. All was as it should be, and I was alone, as always.

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