Who am I?

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Rain poured down that night I met her. Tokyo was in heavy downpour and I was in the midst of it.

I am called Ryu. My full name would be Yamashita Ryu. I am a singer in Japan. Currently I am 27 and still single. I still have not found the right girl I guess.

Till I saw her.

I had been driving back home carefully as the roads had become slippery. I was lost in my thoughts a bit. My mother was still after me to settle down.

She wanted grandkids.

I groaned when suddenly something jumped in front of my car. I quickly slammed the brakes and stopped.

I hoped I did not run over it. I got out the car to see what had jumped.

The rained drenched me as I carefully inched towards it.

From the posture and hair, I determined the thing was human. I gently lifted the person to see a girl. From her looks, she was a foreigner.

I thought she had been hit by me as she was bleeding but oddly there was no mark on my car.

I touched her cheek when she opened her eyes. They were a warm chocolate brown colour. I gulped and gently asked.

"You ok?"

She closed her eyes and groaned. I picked her up and drove her to the nearest hospital.

She kept mumbling something but one word I recognized clearly.

"Gomenasai." (A/N: Japanese for sorry)


It was nearly dawn when I woke up in the hospital. I was disoriented till I remembered the incident.

"Oh... You are awake Yamashita-San?"

I nodded and blinked my eyes. My current concern was for the girl.

"How is she?" I asked as I yawned.

"Asleep. There are no life threatening issues right now but she has four broken ribs, one has pieced her lung. Also, there are signs of attempted rape." The nurse whispered.

My eyes widened. Was this girl abused?

"She has a few head injuries but nothing serious but she has lost blood." The nurse stopped talking as a tall man walked towards us.

"Are you Yamashita Ryu?" He asked in a cool tone.

I nodded when he flashed me his badge. My eyes widened. What were the police doing here?

"Mind we have a little chat?" He asked.

And now here I was sitting in the cafeteria confused and irritated when the officer placed a cup of coffee in front of me.

"My name's Rukawa Tohru. As you know, I work in MPD section 1." He spoke.

"What's going on officer?" I asked.

"This woman you have found...." He started when I interrupted.

"You mean girl?" I asked back.

"Guess you really don't know her huh?" He looked at me amused.

I felt irritated. Sensing my discomfort, he sighed and placed a cigarette in his mouth.

"Her is name is Alina Mayfield...She is a reputed pediatrician." He started.

"Alina... Alina... Is it that Doctor who got was missing?!?" I was shocked.

The person I saved looked nothing like the photos. The Alina I saw in pictures was so mediocre looking and stern but the person I saved looked like a child.

"I can understand your shock. I was the same when we asked her for help. Trust me, she was a deal to handle with. Won't even let me smoke in peace." He muttered.

"Well, smoking is bad for health." I pointed out.

"You two will get along perfectly." He snapped back.

I kept quiet as he sighed and looked back at me.

"Look, she was helping us with the kidnapping and murder of young girls. And then she calls us and tells us, she figured out the criminal and then she vanished." He continued.

"I see." I muttered feeling bad for her.

Our conversation was interrupted by the nurse.

"She has woken up."


I stood by the door as Rukawa-San approached Alina-San.

She was smiling brightly. She looked at me.

"That's the gentleman who saved you." The nurse gestured to me.

"Thank you." She spoke in a sweet cheerful voice.

She sounded happy. Something, I knew was not right.

"Alina..." Rukawa started when...

"Who are you?" She asked him.

"Alina?" Rukawa asked confused.

"Who is Alina?" She looked more confused.

"Alina is your name." I said as I walk closer to her.

She blinked as she looked from me and to Rukawa. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"Who am I?" She asked frightened.

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