Knowing her

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I watched as Alina talked to her family.

I was happy that she was fine but the creepy letter was still in my mind.

I had informed Rukawa who immediately posted an officer in gaurd.

"Yamashita-Kun!" The nurse pulled me away from my musing.

I looked at her.

"We need help to get Mayfield-Sensei to eat. She is behaving like a spoilt child!" The nurse spoke amused. (A/N Sensei here means Dr. In Japan, the term Sensei is for respect and is used for Doctors, Lawyers, teachers etc.)

I nodded and followed her.

"Tell me... What kind of a doctor is Alina-San." I asked curious.

"Oh!! She is one of the best doctors!! She treats everyone equally. The kids just love her.... So do some of the male doctors here." She laughed.

I grew red for some reason but from what the nurse spoke, she was popular.

I entered the room to watch Alina pull her face away from the food.

"No No No!!! I don't like it!!!" Alina shrieked.

I stifled a laugh. She looked so cute trying to push the container away. I walked towards her side when she noticed me and immediately clung to my jacket.

"Ryuu!!! Tell them I don't want to eat it!!!." She cried out.

I noticed tears streaming down her face. I noticed her parents in the corner trying hard not to laugh.

"Alina.... If you don't eat, you can go home." I spoke gently.

"Home with Ryuu?" She asked as she stopped crying.

I turned red once again and from the corner of my eye I could see her father and brother shake a fist.

"umm ...Yes." I muttered.

"But this food has no taste!!!" Alina complained.

I had no choice but take a spoon and scoop some rice from the bowl.

"Eat." I said as she grimaced.


After somehow feeding Alina (and getting fed myself in the process) I found myself talking to her parents.

"I guess we have to get going back. Please look after her Yamashita-kun." Her mother requested as she held my hand.

I nodded while her father patted my shoulder.

I watched as they left and walked to her room.

She was reading a thick book. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Ryu!! Look! Stranger-San gave me book!" She cheered.

I was suddenly startled and took the book despite her protest. I carefully turned the pages when I found a needle hidden in the book.

If Alina had continued to turn the page carelessly, she would have hurt herself.

"Book!!! Book!!!" Alina was reaching for it.

"Alina give me this book, I will buy you a better one." I said as I left the room while calling Rukawa.


Rukawa grimaced as he looked at the book while we met in the garden

Alina was asleep on a wheelchair next to me.

"The needle you found had poison on it. That note you found, means that she is in danger." Rukawa said gravely.

I looked at Alina who was asleep and I silently stroked her hair.

"This guy means serious business. Alina must have really guessed the right person." He muttered as he lit a cigarette when Alina woke up.

I watched as she watched with slit eyes and suddenly she snatched Rukawa's cigarette from his mouth and thew it away.

"Bad!" She yelled.

Rukawa was about to snap when suddenly he recoiled.

"Did you just pull my cigarette away Alina?" He asked gently.

"Bad! Smoking is harmful!Do you want to kill yourself?"' Suddenly her aura was stern.

"Alina... So you can regain your memories...." Rukawa muttered to himself.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The way she reacted to my smoking, is the same way she did before she vanished. She would usually swear at me as well but... I guess this is good progress." He seemed happy.

"Ryu! When can I go home?" She pouted while pulling my jacket.

Stop pouting Alina, you are making my heart pound.


I managed to convince Alina that she could come the next day. The doctors had said she had no major injury.

She has witnessed something horrific. That had caused her to temporarily lose her memory.

But I was confused about my behavior towards her. I barely know her and I already want to protect her and know her.

But a more major problem was how I should explain my family about her.

I looked at the room when I heard a strange muffled noise from her room. I entered to see a strange man choke her.

I rushed at him. In his shock, he released Alina who began to scream and cry.

I tried to restrain him but he punched me and went for her. Arisa fell down from the bed and Her I.V. line came off causing her arm to bleed.

I managed to ring the bell which alerted the other doctors and security.

The assailant punched me again and ran out of the room. The security could chase him, I was more concerned about Alina who was clutching her head in shock.

"Alina?" I called her gently while touching her when she screeched.

"Alina! Calm down!" I Shook her when she looked at me confused.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You suddenly started to scream.

.." I spoke.

"Panic attack?" She asked tilting her head.


"But why am I having panic attack? " She whispered to herself.

This confused me. She was remembering her subject... But What was it that she saw that she was so frightened.

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