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Morning came as usual. I woke up next to Alina who fast asleep. I blushed as I remebered what had happened.

Did we really make out? I could still remember what I felt and I still feel the same for her.

So this was what love was. I smiled softly as I watched her stir. Her brown eyes met mine. A small smile graced her face.

"Good morning. " I said as I could feel a flush coming on my face.

"Ryu." Her hand touched my cheek as she gave looked at me.

"Hmm?" How can someone look so beautiful even after waking up.

"I remebered something funny. I used to be a huge fan of your music." She laughed.

"Used to?" I inquired.

"Well... I... I got busy with studies and career, so decided to stop being your fan. But...It was...i had fallen deeply in love with you and I felt it was not possible as we were from two different worlds." She looked down.

My heart pounded loudly.

"Funny isnt it. I thought I had over come that but even now with my missing memories, I have fallen in love with you." She chuckled. Her eyes were melencholy.

I touched her hand which was on my cheek and pulled to into an embrace.

"It doesnt matter. I love you. I felt it the first time we met." I whispered.

She was soft. Just a touch drove me crazy.

"You told me the same when my memories flooded back. Ryu, Is it safe to love me anymore?" She pulled away as I looked at her confused.

"My memory is returning. And as I can see, they are not pleasent." Alina was shaking.

Ruka had said that Alina tried to be strong. She tried to be mature and stern.

But in reality she was just a timid sweet and wonderful person.

"Alina, I know your past may not be as pretty as one might wish but for me, I dont care because the person in front of me, is who I love and I love her for who is and that had been moulded because of your past. So, I will only love you a little bit more." I said as I cupped her face.

She looked mystified and then gave a slow smile. I didnt hesitate this time. I kissed her.
She immediately returned the kiss. Slow and sweet , gentle yet hunrgy that was how it felt.

I let my hands roam her body. As I brushed my hand against her breast, she moaned.

We pulled away. We were breathing deeply. Her face was flushed and her eyes were misty.

I was about to kiss her again.

"Ryu! Breakfast is served!"

Trust my sister to ruin things.

After breakfast, Rukawa called in my cell.

Alina was sitting with my nephew and niece. Ryosuke was laughing away and sakura slept peacefully in her lap.

I could not help but imagine Alina, her hair tied up, a baby in her arms

"Stop daydreaming Ryu!" Rukawa broke my musing.

"Yeah...what?" I replied.

"Takakura has vanished. We need to get Alina out. I'll send you my address." Rukawa replied.

I looked back at Alina in at most shock. She was in danger.

I had yet to tell Ruka that Alina had told me that she had seen Takakura getting murdered.

As we bid farewell to my parents, I could not help but notice dark clouds gather.

This was not good.

As we drove, Alina seemed to notice my fluster.

"Ryu, whats going on?" Alina looked at me.

"Takakura has vanished. I know you told me that the guy we saw was an imposter but I still have to tell Rukawa." I replied

"Ryu. Stop the car and leave me here. You cant be involved anymore! Its dangerous." Alina begged as she grabbed on to my arm.

"I am not leaving you. I decided on this the very day we met." I replied.

" dont know...I...I have also been...I...My memories are coming back. Takakura was killed because of me." Alina covered her face and sobbed.

I stopped the car and reached over and hugged her.

"Alina. Nothing will happen. I am ready to do anything for you. But I wont die. I want to live with you." I whispered.

She grew stiff. A droplet fell on my shoulder. She wailed in my arms.

I embraced her tightly and stroked her hair as she cried for the victims and for Takakura.

"He was helping me to solve the case. Ryu...when I was kidnapped, he came to save me...and....I saw them..." She had started gasping.

"Its okay. I know. Alina...Its okay." I tried to console her.

"They tried to...Tried to rape me...but I did not...because of that ...because..." She hiccuped.

She tightened her hold on my shirt.

"They raped other girls in front of me. I...failed everyone...I." Alina's confession made me angry at the people who had tortured her.

I tightened my hug.

"I am dirty Ryu. You deserve better...let me..." I did not let her complete her sentence.

I kissed her.

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