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3rd person POV

Akiho paced as she tried to recall what Itsumi had told her.

The place it began? She was studying in the UK... There was no way she transported Ryu to UK.

Not in a span of 4 hours.

"Can you stop walking about? You are driving me crazy!" Rukawa spoke as he scratched his head.

Alina glared.

"I understand you are anxious to meet Ryu but worrying and moving around is not going to help!" Rukawa scolded.

"I dont want to lose him Rukawa! I don't. ..." Alina replied as she leaned onto the wall.

"I know but Itsumi's message is cryptic." Rukawa picked up a map.

"Rukawa....when is the last time you bathe?" Alina scratched her head.

Rukawa sighed. She was shifting her tension by irritating him.

"Since This stupid case started! Why you enjoying the scent?" Rukawa said sarcastically.

Alina made a face when suddenly she stopped.

"Rukawa! Which was the murder that prompted you to look for me to help you?" Alina rushed towards the table.

"Huh? Well.... It was that doctor who you worked with before you came here..Kama...something..." Rukawa shut his eyes.

"Dave Cameron." Alina prompted.

"How did you know?" Rukawa looked shocked.

"When I had been initially kidnapped in the UK, Dr. Dave Cameron was the one who had saved me. He was a member of the group." Alina replied as she flipped through the map.

"So? He left the group?" Rukawa shook his head.

"Dave Cameron let me escape because he had finally lost his illusion. Itsumi's boyfriend was Dave Cameron and meeting me made Dave leave the group." Alina continued when she looked at the spot.

"So the place where it all began?" Rukawa gasped.

"Yes. The place were the rat race between me and Itsumi began. At the murder site of Dr.Cameron." Alina nodded her head.

"What are you waiting for? Lets get going...." Rukawa felt something zap his back.

"I am sorry but I cant involve you any longer." Alina whispered and left.

Not before she picked up his transmitter.

Yamashita Ryu's POV

I was dizzy from the lack for food and water.

My body hurt from all the whipping. Alina was my concern.

She had bore with this for a week.

"Ahh.... Lover boy is awake!" Itsumi's malicous voice reached my ears.

I groaned.

"Hurts huh? I can make the pain go away." She whispered near my near.

I shook her off when she frowned.

"When hell freezes." I spat.

Her hand moved fast and I felt a stinging pain where she slapped me.

"I hate you! I will make you suffer. Alina was the reason Dave left us. I will torment you instead." She then gave me a swift blow in my tummy.

She then left.

I gasped for air.

Alina. Where ever you are, be safe.
3rd person's POV

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