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"Takakura's daughter?" I looked at Rukawa.

Alina on the other hand had grown extremely silent.

"Yeah. His daughter joined them during her university days. He...never realized until she started behaving weird. Which included -"

"Money deposits." Alina completed the sentense.

Rukawa nodded.

"What is this brotherhood? " I finally asked

"They are a cult. They supposedly worship the devil and follow black magic. They have holds even in high ranking officials." Rukawa explained.

"People joined either because they were desparate or because they were greedy. You join, you pay the deposit and suddenly you are rolling in good fortune." Alina continued, her brown eyes flared.

"But there is something right?" I could not help but voice my .

"Worshiping the devil means going against God. Many became mad as they were unable to handle it." Alina replied.

"Okay... I get that. But why target you?" I asked.

Alina fell silent.

"Its like I said before. Alina's a christian. They tried to rope her father but he stood by his faith. Alina was also steadfast. Since she was a virgin back then, they wanted to....impregnate her...." Rukawa's face turned green.

I felt anger boil. These people were very sick.

"They knew it would be highest insult if they forced themselves on a God fearing girl like Alina. But Alina faught back when they kidnapped her. Maybe to slow her or maybe to actually kill her, they stabbed her. Since she did not let them get their way with her, they didnt want her to live to tell the tale. By the time the police found her, she had nearly died from blood loss." Rukawa continued as Alina shrank back in my embrace.

She was still uncomfortable but she was trying to be brave.

"They left you alone and you came to Japan. In here, we were investigating murders of teenage and young women and infants. Takakura had found out that his daughter's boyfriend dabbled with these people and she herself had been stealing money...." Rukawa was about to continue when Alina gaspes.

"No...wait...I remember...Takakura's daughter...Itsumi...she herself engaged in the dark magic. She had become power hungry. She wasnt introduced, she had been a part from the start!" Alina"s eyes widened.

"So your saying?" Rukawa leaned forward.

"Takakura Itsumi herself was involved in the murders but since she herself was....sleeping around with the so called high priests. They needed to taint the woman before impregnating her so they couldnt use Itsumi...So Itsumi saw it to herself to find that woman." Alina replied.

"Takakura found out and tried to stop his daughter but..."

"I saw her stabbing him myself. Takakura Itsumi is beyond help." Alina looked at her feet.

"But since Yamashita has claimed you, they cant target you." Rukawa smiled.

I also smiled but Alina was looking grim.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Even if they cant use me...They will kill me esp now that they will know that my memories are back." Alina whispered.

"How would they know?" Rukawa asked in shock.

"Because one of your deputies is their informer. How else did they find us? You arent really a tight lipped bastard." Alina shrugged.

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