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I watched Alina as she re dressed my wound.

Smart, efficient and beautiful.....

Wait! Beautiful?!?!

I looked at her. Her eyes were concentrated while she dressed my wound.

"Alina...Are you angry?" I asked softly.

Her huge eyes looked at me curiously. She was too tempting.. wait what?!!

"No...Why?" She replied.

"nothing...You are rather quiet." I replied.

"Huh...Can I ask you something?" Alina asked in a soft voice.

"Sure." I replied.

"We...We actually don't know each other do we?" She asked with a sad smile.

I looked shocked and tried to think of an answer.

"Its okay...When I was with Mama and Papa and Onii-Chan, even though I could not remember them, somehow I could place them...even Ruka...but...I could not place you." She said as she lowered her head.

"I see...You are smart as they say... But...Since...I... I..." Even though this had started as a plan to protect her, I knew I was harboring feelings for her.

"But.... As I am with you, I am happy... I feel its okay not to remember because.... You are here with me." Alina spoke up while looking at me.

Her cheeks were lightly flushed and her eyes were misty. I gently touched her cheek.

"I will be there for you, with you for ever." I whispered as I inched closer to her.

I could see her face grow brighter as I came closer. I could smell strawberries and roses from her.

Just a bit more closer.

"Hey! I stumbled onto something!" Ruka's sudden voice made both of us jump.

Alina's face was bright red and I was pretty sure, so was mine.

"What are you guys doing?" Ruka askes curiously when Alina yelped and gathered the first aid items and ran upstairs.

I was flustered and annoyed at Ruka.

" Atleast she has learnt how to behave as a girl now." He muttered.

I blushed.

"So what is it? How is your nose?" I asked changing the subject.

"Nose is fine. Alina...It seems that Alina is suffering from PTSD and she is our prime witness. We combed the place she was found... and discovered bodies... All girls..." He said.

All girls... I shivered

"I just hope the psychiatrist can trigger her memory." Ruka whistled softly.

"Ruka...Alina...She" I hesitated.

"What?" He asked raising a brow.

"Does she really have a boyfriend?" I asked abruptly.

Eh? Why do I want to know? I...I love her don't I? Even though we have been together for barely few months.

"Not that I know of... Oh.God... Don't tell me Yamashita...Are you in love with her?" Ruka asked worried.

I did not reply. Somehow Ruka knew my answer.

"Look dude...Alina has a lot of secrets... She is a nice gal...But you need to get to know her better." Ruka said urgently.

"You know something?" I asked.

Ruka blanched and let out a sigh and looked at me.

"Alina... Alina cannot trust people... She was bullied as a child not just in school but relatives. Her family had troubles, so they did not notice much...but when they did...the damage was done." Ruka replied.

"What damage?" I asked... but somehow I knew the answer.

"Her personality warped. She distrusted people and became a lone wolf.... And..." Suddenly there was the sound of china breaking.

We saw Alina standing near the door, tears in her eyes. She suddnely sprinted.

I ran after her. It was pouring, she suddenly tripped and fell down. I caught up with her.

"No!...Don't...I don't deserve it... I only cause problems around people. She burst out loudly.

I was stunned.

"You heard about me... I let all that happen... As Ruka-san said...I much pain I caused my poor brother." She sobbed on.

I was beyond words. Alina was crying as it rained on.

"I hurt people close to me... I hurt people...who..cared for me... I don't deserve...I am not worthy of anyone's care..." She sobbed.

Now the picture was clear. Her words... She blamed herself for what was not under her control. I hugged her from behind.

I felt her stiffen. I hugged her tightly.

"I don't care Alina. Right now... You are what matters. Not your past." I whispered.

"But what...what if I hurt you?" she asked.

"We can fight about it and resolve it." I grinned as said it.

She did not reply but cried harder.

I turned her around to face me. Her eyes were red and tears mixed with rain drops streaked her cheeks.

"Because,right now...All that matter to me is you." I whispered as I placed my lips on her.

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